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Erasmus LUISS 2018/2019

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Hi all

I thought I would start this forum for anyone who is going to be studying at LUISS from September onwards, would be good to get to know some of you before heading over and possibly arrange accomodation together.

I'm Martin, 19, from the University of Glasgow and I'm going to be studying at LUISS for the full 2018/2019 academic year. I am looking for accomodation within 2 miles of the Viale Romania, Luiss campus around €500-600 a month, preferably no further than 3 miles from the centre of Rome and i plan to arrive in Rome either the last week of August or the first week of September. I am sporty, outgoing and eager to travel around Italy during my time there. I plan to join the university's athletics team and hope to get a season ticket for A.S. Roma. If anyone is interested in searching for accomodation together or has already found a place to stay but needs a roommate, feel free to post below. Look forward to hearing from you

Martin Lynas

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