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Erasmus Prague 2015 / 2016 (English)

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Hi everyone, I'm Juliette, a french student in the city of Nantes in a language university.

I'll be in Praga for the next full year (sept-june) in Charles University in the language (english)field

I'm looking for an accomodation but I'm more likely to live in a residence like Hostivar ( the only one I heard about which is the closest from the school and the center), because I really want to enjoy a full erasmus life !

See u soon maybe !

Hi guys! I'm Karla from Monterrey México, I study International Business at my home university UANL and I'll be my last semester of the career on Prague at the VSFS from September to February. I'm looking for an apartment near from the school or center of the city if you know any kind of tip please let me know!!

Hi! I'm Michele i'm from Italy and i will be in prague for erasmus at the Anglo American University from September to February. I study business and statistics in finance and insurance.

I'm searching an accomodation or just some outgoing people to know and with whom start this amazing experience. 

See you! ;)

Hey everyone!

I'm Ozan. I am going to be in Prague on September. Is there anyone who can suggest me a dormitory which pretty close to CULS. Maybe all of them are sucks but which one is the lesser one?

Hello I am Laura and I study Economics in Rome. I'll be in Prague from September to January/February. I'll study at VSO University of Business. I need some informations about accommodation. if you know something please contact me. I also would like to meet someone that will be in Prague in the same period I will be there and if someone will study at VSO like me. 

Hello! I'm David, i'm from Poland and i'll study environmental sciences at Charles University. Does someone looks about room/flat/somewhere where it is possible to live? 

I'll be in Prague form Sept to February - so i'm looking for 5-month accomodation. 

It's NOT important to me your age, gender, sexual orientation :)

(Si quiereis puedo escribir espanol con los de Espana o con los cuales hablan espanol)

Hi everyone!!

My name is Núria and I study Economics at the University of Girona. Next year, during the second term I will study at CULS, Czech University of Life Sciences. I have many doubts about accommodation, residence or shared flat, anyone knows how is the CULS residence???

Thanks in advance!

Hi!!! I'm Mario and I study Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). I'm studying at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences - Ceska Zedemelska Universita) in firts semester. I want to share a flat in Prague 1,5,6 or 7. I'm looking for cheerful mates, and also responsible (as far as possible wink emoticon ) who are motivated to share this adventure!

Greetings from Madrid! See you in Prague

Hi everybody ! Me and my friend Nicolas are studying Physical Education and sport in Charles University next year (from October to June).

We are looking for roommates to live near Prague center !

We’re 21 and 24 years old French guys, like to cook, to do sport, have fun and are so excited about discovering this country and meeting people from everywhere !

Please contact me for more informations ☺

Hey guys,

I am Olimpia, italian girl, 22 years old. I study languages and I will study in Prague from september 2015 to july 2016, so I am looking for an accomodation (absolutely shared and don't worry, I am clean, easy going and friendly :D)
I also need some infos about Karlova Univerzita so PLEASEEEEE contact me if you know something!

Bye guys!

Hi everyone,

I'm Guillaume and I study civil engineering at UJF of Grenoble. I'll be in Prague from September to June (approx.). I'll study at Faculty of Science of Charles university.

I'm looking for roommates near the center of the city, I prefer to stay with non-speaking french students in order to practise and learn new languages and cultures. I'm a very social, open-minded and clean person. If you have further questions or informations, please, don't doubt to contact me !

Bye :)

Hi, I'm Kamma, I'm from Denmark! I'm going to Prague to study European studies and globalisation at Charles University from Sept. to Feb. 15/16 :) I would really like to get in touch with some of you guys beforehand, so please write me if you have the same wish!

And, can you recommend staying at one of the dorms or find an apartment?

Thanks in advance!

Hey everyone,

I am a 20 year old British student of International Relations currently studying at Nottingham Trent University, in England. I am branching out next year to study International Relations and European Studies at Metropolitan University in Prague. I am friendly, clean and I'll be looking forward to some fun nights out and adventures in Prague. I will be looking for flatmates if anyone is interested, other like-minded people are welcome - flexible for area as I don't know Prague too well yet and looking for somewhere not too expensive.

Get in contact if you're interested,

Joe :)

Hi everyone !

I'm from Paris and I'll study law as a bachelor student at Charles University from October to February. I'll stay in one of the university's residences so I'm not looking for an accomodation, but if you're interested in getting in touch with some future Prague students, you can contact me ! :)

Bye !


I'm Belén from Spain I'm a student of Máster in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

 I'm going to Prague next  year 2015/2016 as an erasmus student. 

I'm going to study master level at University of Chemistry and Technology. (UCT) (Vysoka Skola Chemicko Technologicka). 

I send my Appliaction for Accomodation to the university but I would like to know more information about the residences. I think this university look for the accomodation of the  students in  Volha and Sázava Residences. 

I have read more people are going to stydy at the same University. If you want we can help between ourselves.  

Thank you! :) 

Hi, I'll be in Faculty of Arts at Charles University, someone?

Hi everyone,

My friend and I are going to Charles University for the fall semester (september to february). We're both from Montréal, Canada. We're currently looking for apartments, and we don't find much !!

See you soon!


I'm Mattia and I come from Rimini, I studied at the University of Bologna for my bachelor degree. I'll be in Prague from next September to start my Master course in International Business at VSE university.

I want to share informations with you about the city, and experiences of previous and current students and i'm looking for an apartment!

Contact me with a private message!

See you in Prague!

Hi everyone!

I'm Keki, I'm from Spain and I'll spend all summer in Prague. I would like to meet new people during this time! If you are interested dont doubt to contact me!


I'm Laia, from Barcelona, and I'll be in Prague from September to February. I'll be studying at Charles University (Faculty of Social Sciences) and I'll stay in the residence but maybe I'll look for an apartment once I'm there. Anybody in the same situation?

See you! :)

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