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Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)

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hi anaël !!! ill be in the faculty of law with you so you can count on seeing a friendly face :) je parle un peut de français aussi donc je peut t'aider avec quelque chose que tu veut, maintenant on n'a reçu rien d'information du karlova mais je crois que será plutot =) excuse mon français! =) bisous!

Hey if you are going to Charles Uni they will assign you Hostivar dorms! But you can choose to rent or share a flat too.

Welcome Anaël! (your name seems the male version of mine lol)

Hey all, I have just sent off my application to prague today, looks like its gonna be full on madness for 6 months (or more!!) Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Josh, Anael - nice to know that there would be people not only from Spain ;) I think that Anais, Anael and Ania is the same name but in different languages... Sounds similar.

It's full of Spaniards just because Erasmusu was created in Spain. For example, if you go to there are a lot of Polish people so I guess that page was created in Poland!

Welcome Josh!

I'm really glad there's a lot of spanish coming as all of the ones I know are crazy, so it should be fun!!!

welcome joshhhhh =) hahahah we are crazy but they love us for it right Anaïs ? hahahaha the good thing is we can speak english and its going to be AWESOME :D

Noooooo I'm scared by Spanish people, they are the kings of football and they eat octopus in their paella, it must be crazy to do that! Hahahaha I'm a funny guy.

Anaïs it's true that my name sounds like your name, but Anaïs is a name which is very spread in France! However, my name is generally give to girls (I know I know it's very interesting :D)

Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja "They eat octopus in their paella" But in France, You eat escargot!!(inglés from the mountains! xDDDD)

Jesus when I went to France you guys ate your salad with some kind of white liquid thing which was... weird, where was the olive oil? No idea! XD (plus the escargot thing Yanira says - even if people eat snails here too haha)
Anaël don't worry, I have no idea about football and I don't like octopus hahaha

And that cliché about spaniards being crazy... I do think I'm somewhat crazy but not in the Spanish way! XD But yeah I agree Spanish people is crazy when it comes to parties and that stuff XD

I spent a month in Valladolid a few years ago and it was awesome so I have high hopes for you all at the parties!

So has anyone actually heard anything back from their uni or department yet confirming anything?

We have an Erasmus meeting on Friday so I hope they give us more information because I am lost! And my erasmus tutor has not contacted me yet >_

In prague we will of course all be supportes of the football club "Bohemians 1905"
- Why? Cause they got a kangaroo in their logo! And their stadium is in Praha 10 which is supposed to be a pretty cool quarter of the city :)

Well, in Latvia we eat pig's head....Beat that.

Actually we don't, but our ancestors did a long time ago, it was a traditional Christmas meal. No one eats like that anymore though, because it's just too weird. And kinda awkward to have something like that on your table on Christmas Eve with your family.

Anaïs and Yanira => don't be worried, a lot of French don't eat snails... they prefer frogs (with olive oil ;) ). And I hope that you show me that your parties are amazing!

Josh => I have an Erasmus meeting next week, if I have more informations I will keep you in the loop

Steffen => Just for the kangaroo, you've a fucking good idea dude!

Oh by the way I think french people eat it too, but we eat a lot of mushrooms in autumn here in Catalonia but the rest of Spain thinks that's nasty lol I know it because my grandparents are from Andalucia and they don't even want to taste it. But I promise its very good!

I'm looking for nice Czech music and I found this old song which I like a lot:

Any other song?

Hello to all the new people =)

I think that we will have great parties in Prague, it's so funny the idea you have about the spaniards (but it's true we are a little crazy haha)

I haven't got much information about the Erasmus (I will be studying Audiovisual communication at Charles University from February), but I will have a meeting soon at the university, I have a lot of questions :S

I just got a huge amount of forms to fill out, which I did. Then they got stamped and I was nominated by my faculty. Now I'm in email contact with the erasmus coordinator of the medical faculty who's helping me with the courses I wanne take. All further informations considering housing will be mailed some time in the future.

Sorry, I will be in Prague in September, not February :)

Welcome new people!!!
In Canary Islands we eat a special corn flour with water (gofio) and other corn flour with water and then we frite it (arepas). The last one are typical from South America... Haha!

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