Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Sujet créé par Erasmusu Staff — il y a 14 ans
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Eduardo Vázquez Écrit il y a 13 ans
Here, in Spain, Agricultural engineering. In Praha, I have subjects of the institute of tropics and subtropics. And you, Roberta?
roberta verlotta Écrit il y a 13 ans
I study Alimetary Biotecnology. In Prague I have subjects in Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and natural Resources!! I have also an intenship in this Faculty!! soon
Gennadi D Écrit il y a 13 ans
Yeh hanne, suffering together is much better :P
But maybe we wont suffer because Barbora might feel too free with only 7 subjects? Barbora you want some of mine??? If you ask nicely ill give you them ALL!
KOALA BEER Écrit il y a 13 ans
if we suffer together we might enjoy together to :p
I think you're right about Barbora! You also want my courses? See it as beeing a challenge!
Barbora Sušienková Écrit il y a 13 ans
No way! I'm gonna enjoy my stay with only 6 subjects.
Barbora Sušienková Écrit il y a 13 ans
look what i found:
Vážení kolegové, milí studenti,
ráda bych vás informovala, že dne 13. 9. 2011 byly vydány dvě nové vyhlášky děkana:
č. 2/2011 - stanovující zrušení výuky všech studijních programů a všech ročníků z důvodu imatrikulace v termínu 5. 10. 2011...
It says no school on October 5th for Faculty of Humanities, Charles Uni. How great is that?
Josh Bell Écrit il y a 13 ans
Does anyone know what the deal is with guests staying in Hostivar? I have a friend who wants to visit but not sure if guests are allowed to stay in rooms or somewhere in the halls, or I should suggest to get a hotel?
Anaïs Ramírez Écrit il y a 13 ans
I read hosts can stay in your room (1 euro per night!) so they better bring an air bed!
Patricia L Écrit il y a 13 ans
That'd be cool if we didn't share the rooms :P
Barbora Sušienková Écrit il y a 13 ans
Guys, Hostivar dorm (at least my room) looks much worse then I expected. The good thing is, there is nothing to break or destroy (because there is basicly nothing inthere). And yeah, you pay 4400 per month, plus you have to pay extra money for all the electrical appliances you have (e.g. 25 crowns for laptop), for internet, for using washing mashine or vacuum cleaner... But still, Prague is awesome.
Anaïs Ramírez Écrit il y a 13 ans
Wohooo I'll be there in some hours :)))) see you all in "luxurious" Hostivar!
Gennadi D Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey not sure whether anyone's asked about this- but how are you guys gonna access $$$ ? Will you just withdraw with an atm card or use Western Union or something? What's the best way?
panos kar Écrit il y a 13 ans
they accepted me at hostivar...i didnt even remember that i put to stay there :P
i its a good start and then you can go for alternative stayings....
i cant wait till this fucking february ...lucky you are so lucky ...
Gennadi D Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey guys- would really like your help..
I arrived in Prague today. \My buddy picked me up and drove me to my dorm- Na Vetrinu or something.. needless to say.. Im in total shock.. I would really love to share a place with anyone!! Any one close/semi-close to the centre.. Pleeeeease help! Im going to check this site tomorrow hopefully someone can offer me something. Im from Sydney and studying law at Charles uni.
Thanks ,
Antoine hly Écrit il y a 13 ans
hi everybody, i'm studing the law, and i arrived this week in Praha,i looking for also to share a flat with student erasmus in the center but i find nothing by internet. if anybody have got just few informations ( or a flatsharing appartement ...) contact me please.
Nadina Elekse Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey, I'm looking for a room to (it seems like everybody is looking for a room). If you need a flatmate/have a free room, let me know ASAP! :)
panos kar Écrit il y a 13 ans
for those who have already arrived how is prague bros???
beatifull ????????parties???????
Steffen Veen Écrit il y a 13 ans
They are all busy or hungover :)
KOALA BEER Écrit il y a 13 ans
haha probably
paula ojeda Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hello everyone.I'm looking for a room so if anybody has a free one please contact me [email protected]