Erasmus Paris 2011 / 2012 (English)
Sujet créé par Erasmusu Staff
— il y a 14 ans
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Mihai Ganea
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey! I'll get to Paris next week or so and I got accommodation at the Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris. I wanted to know if there's anyone else from around here going to live in the same place as it would be nice to meet up once we're there, or, if not, maybe just meet up anywhere for a pint at some point next week :D :D
Marta Peña
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Is anyone interested on sharing a flat for a week with 2 spanish girls while looking for another appartment? It costs 200€ each one, it's located near the streer saint denis and it's very good communicated! For more information, send me a private or an email to [email protected]!
bryan carter
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey, I'll be in Paris from october to march.. Who else will be there??
javier bravo
Écrit il y a 13 ans
could you put the link of the group of international students in paris??? please
Mia Due
Écrit il y a 13 ans ... here is the link to the group!
We're already 12 international young people ... join in :-)
Alexandra Holden
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi, I'm moving to Paris this week until June 2012. I currently don't know anyone in Paris so if anyone fancies meeting up at any point, feel free to add me!
Culture Advance
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Cullture Advance is a rapidly expanding agency, specialized in bilingual Baby-Sitting.
We are now looking for more than 150 english/german/spanish/italian speaking Baby-sitters, in Paris and the suburb.
To see our most pressant ads, join our facebook page:
Or send us your resume at [email protected]!
Culture Advance
76, avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
Traian Dumitru
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I'm Traian and I will be studying in Paris from September 2011 till may 2012. I'm looking for a place to stay! If is there anyone that wants to share a flat with me, please let me know! I will be studying Aerospace Engineering at IPSA!
Luise Burkhardt
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey, I'm Luise and I arrived in Paris last week for an 6 month of Erasmus. I came alone and don't really now when university starts,....
I read something about an Erasmus week at Université Paris Descartes. Does anyone know more about that?
Is anybody studying Sociology at Paris Descartes/ Sorbonne V?
It would be great to find contacts here.
predut andra
Écrit il y a 13 ans
My name in Andra and I am an erasmus student at Paris V. I'll be in Paris on 21 september for 6 months and I am looking for a place to stay this period. Does anyone need a roomate? contact me at [email protected]
Rashmi Sharma
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey Erasmus-People! I am going to Paris on Friday. I'll study at Nanterre University but I will live with two other girls in the Marais.
Is there anybody else who will join the French Course for ERASMUS Students at Nanterre nect week?
Also looking for nice people to hang out with, go Party and expirience Paris!! My E-Mail is:[email protected]
I would be happy if you contact me!!
Francesca Libera
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hello!! I'm Francesca from Bari and I'm going to Paris the next february!I will be studying in the University Marne la vallée, there is anybody here who will study there??? Unfortunately i'm the only one who goes to Marne la Vallée in my city :(
I'm looking for a flat to share in Paris....!
Contact me thaanx ;)
Katarzyna Rodacka
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hey erasmo-people! :)
My name is Katarzyna and the 24.09 I'm going to Paris for 4 months for Erasmus! I'm going to study at Sorbonne III (in the 5th ar.) and I'm looking for sb who would like to share a flat/room/apartment (whatever) with me. my budget for accomodation is about 350, max 400 euro. let me know if there is anyone who also is looking for place to stay :D
I speka French and Persian also.
see you in Parrriiiiiis!
Katarzyna Rodacka
Écrit il y a 13 ans
A! I forgot! my address is [email protected]
and FB: Katarzyna Rodacka
I hope not to spend this 4 month under bridge, I suppose the winter could be heavy...
Iris van
Écrit il y a 13 ans
I'm Iris, a philosophy student from Amsterdam. I'll be studying in Paris (Paris X) from january 2012, and I'd really like to meet people in Paris. :) I'm interested in arts, literature, movies, cafes... A bientot!
Aureliano Pereira
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi! =D I'm in Paris untill January. If someone wants 2 hang out fell free to add me or text me! see ya
Culture Advance
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Culture Advance is a modern and rapidly expanding agency specialized in bilingual baby sitting.
We are now looking for native language baby sitters, starting ASAP.
You can consult all our most pressant classifieds on our facebook page:
To apply, please click on the following link and fill in the necessary fields:
Culture Advance- Success Partners - Multimedia Advance
76, avnue des Champs Elysées
75008 PARIS
Phone : 0142712162
Join our facebook pages:
Jeanne Richard
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi ! If you are looking for a proofreader in french for your final report, and please contact me !
Informations below :
Vous rédigez un Mémoire dans le cadre de votre Master ERASMUS ?
Je peux effectuer les corrections orthographiques, syntaxiques et typographiques, ou retravailler le français de votre Mémoire. Mes tarifs sont adaptés à des étudiants : comptez environ 2 /page pour une correction simple, et 5 /page pour une réécriture.
Diplômée d'une école de journalisme, j'ai été Rédacteur en Chef d'une revue du Ministère de la Défense, avant d'effectuer un Master d'Etudes européennes à l'Institut de Sciences politiques de Grenoble. Je prépare actuellement un Doctorat en Sciences de gestion. Je maîtrise donc parfaitement la langue française, et possède une excellente culture générale, me permettant de traiter des sujets de toutes disciplines.
Vous pouvez m'envoyer un email, en me présentant votre travail (nombre de pages, votre besoin – et éventuellement une page en exemple), je vous proposerai alors un devis. Je suis à Paris, nous pouvons nous rencontrer avant ou/et après ma relecture et mes corrections si vous le souhaitez.
Je possède des références, n'hésitez pas à me demander l'email d'étudiants qui ont profité de mes services pour leur Mémoire !
Jeanne RICHARD : [email protected]
Emily Luong
Écrit il y a 13 ans
hey, in Paris atm! feel free to add me if anyone fancies hanging out and / or exploring!
beatriz rodriguez
Écrit il y a 13 ans
Hi! I'm a female spanish student. I'm in Paris right now but I am having such a hard time finding an appartment. I need something as soon as possible . If anyone has tips or is looking for a roommate, please don't hesitate to contact me.