When, where and how do you arrive to Murcia?
Sujet créé par Javier López
— il y a 15 ans
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Samuel Vaponi
Écrit il y a 15 ans
html is not allowed!.. uff.. however u can see the direct address of the timetable in the text. I hope it is the right timetable!
thanks for the support Javy!!
Federica Fusco
Écrit il y a 15 ans
i'll arrive in madrid by plain at 3th september, after i go to murcia at 6th semptember by train
Kasia Bronowska
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Hola a todos,
voy a Alicante el 5 de sieptiembre, creo que voy a llegar a Murcia en coche con mis amigos.
Todavia no tengo piso, pero estoy buscando.. jeje estuve un mes en Muscia y no tenia tiempo para buscar piso :D
see you! :)
Caterina Dossena
Écrit il y a 15 ans
per ELISA DE PASCALIS: anke io parto il 14 di settembre, da che aereoporto parti????
Elisa De
Écrit il y a 15 ans
per CATERINA : io parto da Bergamo e arrivo ad Alicante .. tu?
Caterina Dossena
Écrit il y a 15 ans
anke io!!!!!
possiamo fare il viaggio insieme!!!
e poi te dove alloggi?
Elisa De
Écrit il y a 15 ans
ho trovato appartamento a Murcia :) tu di dove sei??
parli del volo delle 14.45 vero??
Caterina Dossena
Écrit il y a 15 ans
si, il volo è quello, io abito fra Milano e Lodi, un paesino piccolo...anke io ho trovato appartamento a Murcia, la zona è quella di calle ronda norte..
Caterina Dossena
Écrit il y a 15 ans
te invece di dove sei?io sono tornata ieri da murcia, ho fatto un giro epreso la casa. se vuoi contattami su facebook.
BARLETTA Pierre-Jean
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Hola, I will arrive the 7 september. My father goes on hollydays at perpignan and i go with him and then i go by train from perpignant to murcia. I will look for a flat at Murcia :D and i will be hosted by someone of CouchSurfing for 2 or 3 days.
See you soon ++
Kasia Bronowska
Écrit il y a 15 ans
so.. we have the same problem- you are homeless too :D
Stefano Pomicino
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Hola a todos... I will arrive on 26th September at Alicante from Naples and I think that I will take a bus to arrive to Murcia::happy:: hasta luego
Federica Fusco
Écrit il y a 15 ans
stefano!! yo soy de napoli!!!!!
Clément Boillot
Écrit il y a 15 ans
i will arrive on 10th september at alicante airport. I think i will directly take bus to murcia, and then, i will go to my "piso" !
Javier López
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Hey people! Don't forget to upload your profile photos! It will be easier to recognize you at party later :D
Vincent Berne
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Hi !
I'll arrive the 8th september at Alicante airport. Then, i'll take the bus to Murcia ! ;)
Andrea Loddo
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Hi guys,
I'll arrive from Sardinia the 8th...still looking for a room, so if you need a flatmate just send me a message!
See ya
Dani Pillay
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Yes, yes. Wedneday night we will need to recognise you all? Who will like to do something?
Federica Fusco
Écrit il y a 15 ans
boys have arrived to murcia today and my house is very beautiful ^ ^ I had doubts on to have found it through internet but I was wrong me, this is wonderfoull!!!
Javier López
Écrit il y a 15 ans
Yeah! Welcome! Where did you find your house? Maybe you can help other students by providing the info.