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Erasmus Madrid 2010 / 2011 (English)

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Is there someone who's going to Madrid only at the 2nd semester???


my email is [email protected]

Hi guys!
I moved to Madrid in early 2010 owing to work issues, and I'd like to get to know people to practice languages (mainly English and German) and hang around in Madrid. Of course I can help out with Spanish, I'm fairly good at that :)

I'm going to madrid for the 2nd semester :)

hello,I would like to be erasmus student in Madrid,but don't know in which university.I need Tourism class with english teaching,can you help me please? my e-mail is [email protected] and facebook-Ana Kutuzova

usually the university from where your country tell u witch university you will go. I've never heard somebody who had the chance to decide witch university. Ask your faculty ;)

yes I know,but my university has no contract with Madrid's university yet. But I can choose university and one of my teacher will send the dokument about the erasmus's not easy,but I believe...

Hey guys!

I'm going on exchange to Madrid starting in February 2011. I'm currently looking for a apartment in/near city centre. Anyone has some good contacts for me?
I'm gonna study at Carlos III. (currently studying in Amsterdam)

Tnx a lot!

Hello everybody!
I'm going to madrid for the 2nd semester too!
does anyone know good sites for flat sharing?
see you in madrid :)

Hey everyone, I'm looking to find erasmus students in madrid. My uni sucks for networking so here I am :) Let's meet go for drinks have a good time :) msg me xx

anna come to la lupe on thursday, a lot of erasmus students are going there at about's like a pub! If you don't know, it's in calle de las Huertas!

see ya!

hello!!!i'm coming in Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid for the 2nd semester.. Is anybody interested to search with me rooms in the center of Madrid???

Hello everybody! I'm a Belgian who will do an Erasmus during the 2nd semester in Madrid (Universidad Complutense Madrid). I'll be there to study chemical engineering. I'm looking for a "pisos compartidos" but I still hesitate with the location. What's easier for going out and have a real international atmosphere? I guess it's in the centro of Madrid like Sol, Gran Via, Cebeles... Thanks for your help!

Hello everybody!!

I´m looking for a room in the center or north part of Madrid...does anybody know anything?
Please send me a private message!


Hello everybody,

I will be in Madrid for the 2nd semester (February-Julio 2011) in la "Universidad Politecnica de Madrid" to follow my engineering studies, and I wanna find an accomodation around there. I would like very much to find roommate(s) to share an appartment with ; the more the merrier as it is said !
Anyway, are there any people amoung you who are looking for roomates as well ? Or, if you haven't found any accomodation yet, would you be interested by looking for accomodation with me and then to share it ?

Feel free to contact me through my private inbox on this website, or by answering to this message :)

Thanks for your help,

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@ Issam : I don't know if you're still waiting for an answer, but for the UCM, i would say that Argüelles-Moncloa area is reeeally great (more or less in the center, a lot of young people and Erasmus, close to the university). And personally, i love Malasaña, not really far from the Uni, and with a...special atmosphere !
Yeah, Sol, Gran Via and all these areas, i don't know...for me it's a bit overrated,but sure, there is a loot of Erasmus too there !

But believe me, in all these locations you'll find an international atmosphere;)

Hi everyone,
I'm goin' to Madrid for the second semester (February -June). I'll be studying at Coplutense... I'm looking for a room... anybody knows something? see ya in February :))

I'm going to Madrid for the second semester (like everyone else hehe) and i think i found a nice apartement in the center of madrid (near the subway station sol). It's not finalized yet but i will have the confirmation in 2-3 days i think. Since the apartement has 4 rooms and i will be alone in this big flat (that's sound really depressing when i write it down lol), i'm searching for possible flatmates. Anyways contact me if your interested and if your not interested in the flat contact me anyway haha.

P.s. Did i mention it was cheap and that in the bathroom there is a jacuzzi :P

heyyy!! i will be in Madrid for the second semester as well... :) :) another two month to go and then all of us are finally there!!!
whoop whoop!! I'd definitly say we all should meet up sometime in the beginning and explore the city together- what do you guys think?! :)
I am gonna study at the Autonoma University...anyone else?
:) see u there

I will be in Madrid to study in 2011 too *surprise*! I'll be studying at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid but living near Retiro... I would love to meet with others when I arrive to explore Madrid!! xx Paulina

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