Covid Erasmus 20/21
Sujet créé par Caroline Minne — il y a 4 ans
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Caroline Minne Écrit il y a 4 ans
I'm a belgian girl that is supposed to come and study in Lisbon for the first quadrimester of 2020/2021. :)
The current covid-19 situation makes my trip very uncertain, I'm not sure I want to go there if I have to study "at home" and have no opportunities. I'm thinking of maybe going next semester.
Anyone having more information about the Universities situation (I'm supposed to go to Tecnico (IST)) ? Anyone in the same situation that I am so we could talk ahah?
Thank you!!
Kitham A Écrit il y a 4 ans
I'm from the United States and my program to study in Lisbon got canceled due to covid-19. I decided that I'm still going to go despite my classes being online. Portugal is handling the situation (from what I know) pretty well and I feel like it's better to study in a different country! I hope that it's worth it.
Jan Nadal Écrit il y a 4 ans
Hey, I am in the same situation... Lusofana University at the moment have not announced anything about the circumstance. For my part, if there is the opportunity to leave, I will go to Lisbon. The answer is…
Will you find a flat? Or are you looking for a residence? what do you think is better?
Riccardo Filetto Écrit il y a 4 ans
Hi, I'm and italian law student. I'll be (if Will be allowed) in Lisbon next semester. My university, for the moment, allow us to take in-class lessons.
I'm still worried for the moment.
Izaro Gabantxo Écrit il y a 4 ans
My name is Izaro, im from Spain. Im going to Lisbon in september to study the first semester at ULisbon. Im worry about the actual situation, im afraid that if the clases are online I won´t get a chance to know people. So I wanted to introduce my self, if anyone is feeling the same way I would gladly meet and go out for a drink :)
Tim Stephan Écrit il y a 4 ans
Hey! Is this thread still active? I just got my validation to the Nova University! I am also kind of afraid that I can only stay in my apartment. I am actually thinking about looking for shared flats with lots of people just so there is company haha. But if some of you will be in Lisboa in February then I would love to meet some of you!
Also, most of my classes are already scheduled to be online courses. However, there are some classes that will be normal.
Aid Mrsic Écrit il y a 4 ans
I am interested in shared accommodation...from February to July. I am a doctoral student at Nova University.
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