Erasmus Firenze 2012 / 2013 (English)
Sujet créé par Erasmusu Staff
— il y a 13 ans
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nicola gaudino
Écrit il y a 12 ans
hi sorry but i speak just a little bit english, but i can say to you that the flat is in the center, it is so beautiful zone but we need only 2 students, when do u arriving? ciaoooo
Rita Veríssimo
Écrit il y a 12 ans
I only know the one where i'm staying is the evergreen emmobiliare
Ju Lia
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi guys,
I´m a Art history student from Germany and am going to study in Florence for one year. I arrived yesterday (14 September) and don´t know anyone yet. So I would really enjoy to meet up with a few of the new ERASMUS students.
Hope to hear form you soon, you can contact me via Facebook=)
Sylvain Chappotteau
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi everybody,
I'm a french erasmus student in engineering, here in Florence. I arrived the 13rd september, an I would like to meet with some other Erasmus students.
Ciaò :)
Antonello Cresti
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Giovane insegnante e apprezzato scrittore con laurea magistrale e numerose esperienze presso importanti Centri Linguistici impartisce privatamente a Firenze lezioni individuali di italiano anche a domicilio: lingua, cultura, storia locale…). Prezzi economici! Per qualsiasi tipo di informazione
Young teacher and well know writer with collaborations with important Language Centres gives italian individual lessons in the beautiful city of Firenze everywhere you want: italian language, culture, local history… Cheap Fares! Please feel free to get in touch if you need further infos:
Alice Six
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey all of you!
Does anyone know if there is a facebook-group where they don't speak ONLY spanish ? would be very nice, if there isn't I could make one and you'd be all very welcome. Would be easier to communicate and exchange information :-)
Alice Six Massoni
Giedrius as
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hallo everybody,
we are 4 architecture student and we will be in Firenze the whole year. Maybe, there are some students of architecture or other Erasmus student who would like to meet. Please text here or find me in facebook.
yusuf eren
Écrit il y a 12 ans
hello everyone! i am yusuf from turkey,istanbul. i will be firenze second semester (from february to july). and i am looking for friends to share a flat. is there anyone who share flat with me:) ciao ciao:)
Feyza Aydin
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey everyone!!!
I did arrive last week ( I know I am a little late:) ), I couldn't find any groups on facebook, are there any?
I am studying at the facolta ingegneria. I'd be happy to meet other erasmus students in florence. Hit me up!
My Fb :
ciao :)
Mariam Sahakyan
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi everyone,
I'm Mariam. I study in Florence in FIDI and have a free room from January 1st. The apartment is 5 minutes from Duomo. Contact me if you need any information about the room.
Fran Lara
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi, I will stay there from February to July (July included). I'd like to have a room in that area.
Tom Arntz
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Ciao a tutti!
My name is Tom Arntz, i'm an 22 year old Law-student who is extremely looking forward to experience the Erasmus-life, meet new people and enjoy the Italian culture. I'm attenting to study in Firenze from february till july (Girusprudenza), before this i will take part on a ELIC-course in Perugia. Just like everyone else i'm searching for a room in Firenze. I prefer a room near the city centre of Firenze (Centro Duomo) with other international students. What you can espect from me? A nice and kind, non-smoking person, who has experience with the Italian pasta, and who loves to catch a (small) beer in town or to party till the sun-rise. Feel free to contact me on fb ( if you have a roommate leaving in february, you want to search a room together or just have some important information i need to know!
Buona serata and hoping to see you all in Firenze,
Jesus Martinez
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi! i'm a spanish student! i've just arrived! only 4 days ago. i'm going to do clinical practices of nursing in careggi's hospital. So, i want to meet people here and enjoy! can anybody tell me what to do to starting erasmus living in firenze?
Espen Endre
Écrit il y a 12 ans
I am Espen - norvegian student - and I am also her to study political scienze. I just came to florence to participate on a quick language course to "refresh" my italian befor the start of the semester. I am looking fareward to meeting youy fellow erasmus and othr exange students. Right now I live in an universitary apartment - but I would like to moove to an "real" apartment in the center of the city. I would altso apreciate to get a little help on how to " navigate" through the university - given that I am compleatly new to this and that you (given that you wrote this 8 month ago) maby can help me.
Thank you.
Giedrius as
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi, I'm already a 4 month here and I will stay here more 4 month. I'm also Erasmus and study architecture. So we can meet;) I'm not alone, here are more of us.
If you interest - contact me!
Susanne Saad
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hey, I am a danish/lebanese design student and I would like to meet people living in Florence. Im going to stay til May. We can meet if you want :D
Murtaza ALi
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi Susanne,
I am also new in Florence as a Erasmus student, also looking for someone to catch up, add me on skype so that we can proceed further. skype ID is "murtazaak"
Fran Lara
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Hi people,
I'm also here working-studing at the university as part of my PhD in Chemistry. I've been here for a month! And dont know people here to go out around the city. I'm spanish. I will be here till july. so if you wish I am open to meet with.
Susanne Saad
Écrit il y a 12 ans
Ciao :D
does anyone know where there is a free singleroom/ shared student apartment near centrum In Florence? Im going to stay 6 weeks :)