Erasmus Krakow 2018 / 2019 (English)
Sujet créé par Erasmusu Staff
— il y a 7 ans
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Erasmusu Staff
Écrit il y a 7 ans
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Krakow 2018 / 2019!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Krakow in 2018 / 2019 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Krakow, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Krakow
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Krakow
- The general forum for Krakow
- The blog Erasmus Krakow
- What to see in Krakow, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Krakow
- People who have been, are and will be in Krakow
- A photo gallery of Krakow
- The map and weather in Krakow
- The universities in Krakow
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Krakow or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Krakow.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Ivan Martin
Écrit il y a 7 ans
Hi, I'll be there next year too, and I'm a little lost, if there was a group or something to help us ... I would be awesome ... but I offer to manage something if it seems right
Francisco Blasco
Écrit il y a 7 ans
Hola Elena, yo me cogeré un piso con otros 2 chicos de mi carrera en cracovia. Seguramente vayamos un par de semanas antes del inicio de clases y mientras dormimos en un hostal buscaremos un piso. Si te apetece y te apaña o cualquier cosa ya sabes.
María José
Écrit il y a 7 ans
Hiii!! I am an erasmus student and I am going to jaggiellonian university this september if there are any English group, I would be interested.
And Mi
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hi everybody, I'm Andrea, 20, I'm italian and I will be in Krakow for the first semester 2018/2019 in the Jagiellonian University. I'll be in the International Relations course.
I'm searching for someone that wanna share an appartament in Kracow so anybody with this idea don't worry to contact me! I will cook pasta and pizza for everybody :P
Asela García
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hi everyone! I'm Asela and I will be in Krakow for two semesters. I'm going to study Sociology at AGH and I'd love to find nice people for sharing a flat and, why not, good experiences, party and a lot of travels too. If you're interesed please don't be shy and contact :D
Antonio Merlos
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hi everyone!! I'm Antonio, and I'll be studying in Krakow, in the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University for the entire 2018/2019 year.
I'm currently looking for accommodation and roomates, so if anyone is interested in sharing a flat, or needs a roomate, please contact me. I'm fluent in Spanish and English, and willing to learn Polish too.
Isabelle Michelle
Écrit il y a 6 ans
I'm Isabelle, 20, from the Netherlands. I'm looking for accommodation in Krakow since I will be studying here for 6 months at the Cracow University of Economics. I'm a social person and I like to party, but also responsable. I'm really excited for this exchange!!
Tamara Fernández
Écrit il y a 6 ans
I'm Tamara and I'll be studying Law in Krakow, in Jagiellonian University for the entire course 2018/2019.
I’m looking for accomodation and roommates for the time I will be there, if you are looking for same please contact me!
And Mi
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hi! I'm Andrea, 20, I'm italian and I will be in Krakow for the first semester 2018/2019 in the Jagiellonian University. I'll be in the International Relations course.
I'm searching for someone that wanna share an appartament in Kracow so anybody with this idea don't worry to contact me! I will cook pasta and pizza for everybody :P
Y yo también hablo español ajaj
Mert Onbes
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hello! My name is Mert Onbes from Istanbul.
Next winter semester, I will go to Jagiellonian University as a finance student. I am looking for a roommate or at most two roommates.
My desire from possible roommate are having fun for life, keeping house clean, doing party and exploring culture. It doesn't matter we will go to same university or not. I love cooking. So, I can cook. I deeply interested in art, movies,music, travelling and food culture.
Miriam Bri
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hi! My name is Miriam and I'm from California. I'll be studying at Jagiellonian university for 2018/2019. I am looking for accommodation and roommates. I like to cook, party, and travel.
Feel free to contact me! :)
Juan Naveira
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hola!! Yo soy Juan y estudiaré desde octubre en Cracovia en la universidad AGH la carrera de Administración y Dirección de Empresas. En un principio tengo pensado vivir en una residencia, sabéis alguna recomendacion de anteriores años para saber que residencia escoger? Un saludo
Javier Rodriguez
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hola Juan!!! Mi nombre es Javi, cualquier cosa que necesites me dices, ok? Si quieres saber mas sobre el triángulo de las sishas aquí estoy
Muriel Herrera
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hi everybody! My name is Muri, me and my bestfriend Lucia (we're both spanish) are gonna be studying in Krakow during the winter semester and we were looking for roommates, preferably international people.
Feel free to contact us!
Ana Maria
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hola! Me llamo Ana María y estoy buscando compañeros/as para convivir en un piso durante el proximo curso en Cracovia. Si estáis interesados/as poneros en contacto conmigo!!
Jacobijn Renken
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Hi everyone,
My name is Jacobijn and I am a Dutch student going on exchange to Krakow for the first semester of 2018/2019. I was curious whether many international students stay at the dorms (if so, which one?) or if it is more fun to have an apartment with other foreign students via this site. I hope to hear your reactions!
Tiago Gonçalves
Écrit il y a 6 ans
Olá! My name is Tiago I'm 22 and from Porto, Portugal ! I will study in Krakow for the winter semester taking theMolecular Biotechnology master degree. I don't know yet where I am staying so feel free to give me some hints.