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Private Portuguese lessons given by experienced language tutor

  • flag-pt Beatriz · Enseigne : Portugais
    Parle : AnglaisC2 · EspagnolB2 · GermanB2 · PortugaisNatif

Hello! My name is Beatriz and I'm from Portugal. I've made teaching English and Portuguese part of my career because I love helping my students accomplish their language goals.

Do you know why it is so much easier to learn a language when you are in the country of that language?

Because you are forced to speak the language! Due to that, I focus on pushing my students to speak in the language they want to learn. We will be talking about your favourite themes while improving your grammar and vocabullary knowledge.

My goal is to keep students challenged, but not overwhelmed. My classes are very interactive and fun.

il y a 4 ans

Mots clés: Cours

6 € / par heure

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