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Certified teacher with 17 years of experience

  • flag-nl Christine · Enseigne : Néerlandais
    Parle : AnglaisC1 · EspagnolA2 · FrançaisC1 · GermanB2 · ItalienB2 · PortugaisA2 · NéerlandaisNatif · TurcNatif

Dear possible student. It’s a joy to me to help you to get insight in Dutch, to help you to see through structures and thus and to- bit by bit-independently make your own way through the language, and so build up a steady foundation .The ability I have to train your pronunciation and to connect pronunciation to spelling ( and consequently to reading) will -step by step- make you feel secure when you, more and more, express yourself orally as well as in writing. I promise you lots and lots of practice in conversation from on the first lesson!

il y a 4 ans

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