Accounting teacher for more than 30 years, French, English
Claudia · Enseigne : Italien
Parle : AnglaisC2 · FrançaisNatif · ItalienNatif

I am bilingual French/Italian. I have been teaching for more that 30 years Accounting at the Italian high school, but I can also teach French, Italian and English for I lived in France all my school years and through two years of college. I completed my education in Italy, so I have a University degree from "Università La Sapienza" in Rome. I also am very fluent in English for I have a very solid base for grammar and spelling, I moved to USA and lived in New York City for eight years, I write screenplays in English and I work as a freelance translator.
I have no language certifications, because I was working at the Italian high school and I didn't need them. I am going to retire on September 1st, 2023.