Ayse Sahin

Programmes suivis

Villes suivies

flag-fr France
flag-pt Portugal

Posts sur le forum de Ayse

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    Erasmus Oporto 2012 / 2013 (Español)

    Hola somos dos chicas francesas en busca de dos habitaciones a partir del 12 de septiembre hasta julio. Si alguien tiene 2 habitaciones seria genial. Estudiaremos en ISCAP. Bucamos en el centro o cerca de ISCAP. Gracias y nos vemos ahi ! :)

  • Forum

    Erasmus Porto 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hi ! We are two french girl who will be in Porto from september 12th to july 2013, we are looking for two rooms. We'll study in ISCAP. If someone has two free rooms near the center or ISCAP, it'd be cool ! Have a nice day, lets meet up there ! :)

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