Erasmusu Staff
Escrito hace 11 años
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Valencia 2014 / 2015!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Valencia in 2014 / 2015 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Valencia, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Valencia
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Valencia
- The general forum for Valencia
- The blog Erasmus Valencia
- What to see in Valencia, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Valencia
- People who have been, are and will be in Valencia
- A photo gallery of Valencia
- The map and weather in Valencia
- The universities in Valencia
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Valencia or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Valencia.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Go Valencia
Escrito hace 10 años
Hello Erasmus people!
Are you looking forward for a Erasmus stay in Valencia? :)
Go Valencia School offers Spanish courses, fun activities around Valencia and a great first orientation in this awesome city. You'll meet new interesting people, visit the hotspots of Valencia and of course, learn Spanish in a relaxed but effective way.
Our new webpage is coming soon!
See you soon here in sunny Valencia!
Eduardo Silva
Escrito hace 10 años
Sono un regazzo delle Isole Canarie che sta facendo il erasmus in Italia, mi piacerebbe incontrare qualche ragazzo italiano o ragazza italiana per condividere un appartamento a Valencia il prossimo anno, perché io studio lì.
Se siete interessati posso aiutarti ad imparare la lingua più facilmente e in modo da poter migliorare il mio italiano con voi.
Un saluto. Eduardo.
Francesco Angelini
Escrito hace 10 años
hi everyone! next september i will begin my erasmus experience at the UV faculty of pharmacy: anyone that has some info about the facluty of pharmacy of the university of valencia? I am talking about exams and university courses.
Silvia Allemano
Escrito hace 10 años
Hi, I'am an Italian girl and next September I will be in Valencia for study sport sciencie at the Catholic University. Might someone give me information on the location of the faculty?
:D Thanks!!
Jean Plop
Escrito hace 10 años
Hi there ! I actually study Sports in a French University, and next September i'll be an Erasmus Student in Valencia ! I don't know anybody in this city for the moment, but i hope it will be a great experience whith a lot of friendships ! (And a lot of parties of course !)
If you want to take contact with me during holidays, just send me a mess !
Hope i'll see you there !! :)
Laura Clark
Escrito hace 10 años
Hi, I'll be in Valencia from January after studying in France for a few months so hope to get to know a lot of people over the next 12 months! :)
Henri Pignerol
Escrito hace 10 años
i go also in valencia during 6 meses, i'm looking for flats, so, if you have any idea, i can be interested :)
hope i'll see you there :)
Ilay Çiftçi
Escrito hace 10 años
Hi everyone! I'll be in Valencia for one year starting from September. I'd like to meet some Erasmus students before we arrive the city. You can also find me on fb.
Take care :)
Daniella Matragrano
Escrito hace 10 años
We are two girls (20 & 21) from Coventry University in England moving to Valencia to study at the university with erasmus for the academic year. We want to live in the Blasco Ibanez area as it is meant to lively and good for students.
We are looking for some other girls, preferably english speaking to live with. We enjoy sports, going out and going to the beach.
If you are interested in sharing with us please message me
Daniella Matragrano
Mariana Silva
Escrito hace 10 años
Hello! I'll go to Valencia in September to study Nursing at La Fe. I hope me and my friend, who will go with me, have the best time and meet a lot of people.
If you go to Valencia in September too, contact me trough mess or fb!
Hasta la vista ;)
Katarzyna Ginalska
Escrito hace 10 años
I'm going to study graphic design at EASD Valencia and I would also like to know some people who will be staying there.
I am still looking for a room to rent, so if anyone is looking for a flatmate, let me know. :)
Take care! :)
Caroline Gillet
Escrito hace 10 años
I'll also be in valencia next year (from september till the end of january).
I booked a room in one flat with 4 other rooms.
3 rooms still available.
So if you're interessed, contact me
(Not only fot the flat but also for meeting if you want)
Lois Gillie
Escrito hace 10 años
My name is Lois and I am an English Fine Art student normally studying at Leeds University. Im looking for a house in Valenica for academic year 2014/15. If anyone is interested, it would be great to get to know you.
Natália Oliveira
Escrito hace 10 años
Hi! I'm an architecture student from brazil, and I'm going to UPV. I'll be in valencia in two weeks and I'm looking for people to share an apartment. I want to live with people from different nationalties! If you're interested, come talk to me :)
Antonio de
Escrito hace 10 años
I´m a painter from México, looking to stay at : Ruzafa or Benimaclet, also going to UPV from September to January, how many people are you looking to live with??
Aash Shah
Escrito hace 10 años
hey, I'm an animator, Indian, girl, I'm planning to come Valencia for studies, I'm also searching for the accommodation, can you tell me the details if you have found any or we can find some other together, cause even I need room mates, let me know, thank you :)
Camilla Nyboe
Escrito hace 10 años
Hi everyone!
If you are still looking for flats, there are 3 rooms available in the one that I just moved into in Blasco Ibanez (the beach end of the street).
But most importantly, I can't wait for people to arrive soon and hopefully be ready to have some fun and go out in the city, so let me know if you want to meet! I am here already for Spanish courses, so if you need some help with settling or practical stuff I might also be able to help!
Hugs, Camilla
Zoltán Ambrus
Escrito hace 10 años
Anyone have experience with the
Thank you in advance
Camilla Nyboe
Escrito hace 10 años
Hola Zoli
I have rented a flat through happyforeignersworld and it is okay, if you are not expecting anything out of the ordinary, but I have had some problems to be honest. I asked some very specific questions be fore renting it and got positive answers and then now, when I am asking those questions again, it is a problem for them to provide what they promised me.
Hope this helps!