Tarta De Chocolate

Publicado por flag- Bea — hace 13 años

Blog: Mundos de Piruleta (Bea es)
Etiquetas: flag-es Blog Erasmus Palencia, Palencia, España

My sweetie dear Brownie, even that I usually write all of my post in English with a Spanish translation, since this one its just for you, Im not going to do my job or use my gift (missunderstanding she when Im speaking about a boy or he when Im speaking about a girl) and its gonna be one. For you.

A letter last night (in a doctor's kind) wasnt enough, and after I read yours (even when I think about dedicating you something special in my blog before), Im gonna writte something you will understand withouth a pen.

I really don't know what Im gonna do the rest of the erasmus without you. It wont be the same.

You were there every step of the way. I remember when I first saw you waiting for me at San Rocco (I still wonder how the hell I did to get there). Your curly hair was floating in the humidity of a hot september day of Kerkyra's island. You were with a bottle of water, trying to do not get a sunstroke (like the one Luca got at the Windmill). We were desperate for jumping out of the sun and sink ourselves inside the Ionian sea.

I remember our first bath, trying to wave Luca, who was in the other side, looking for a shadow... How you were laughing when I was scared because I wasnt able to touch the bottom of the sea and trying to swim faster, I crashed with a rock. Or how I wait for you to touch the boats over the water when an evil fish bite me. When we finally got our bathsun, a fucking bee stung on my feet. Bad lucky day... You brought the bad luck... with a smile on your face :P

I remember saying you I love you (I knoooow you cant, freeze czeck girl), but we all know you did love us. Sometimes there's no need of words to know that kind of feelings. You said us;I love you; everyday we shared, every kinder egg you brought us, every hug you pretend you didn't want to... Every horse's ass speaking with your voice (Im gonna keep it and bring it with me to Spain).

Your last day couldnt have been less amazing. You surprised us everyday with many little things, with;little jockes; like Amador usually says. You finish the party where we;started; and finished the pyjama's party: at my kitchen, eating like pigs.

We couldnt let you go without making something special for someone who made everyday at the island so special.

Im glad that the party was unexpectable for you. I really thought you were hearing all the noises at the kitchen and at Luca's room (thanks Betsy for not check on your cell before coming ¬¬'), but everything was great.

You had fun, that all we wanted.

Your pictures, your brighty eyes, the sound of your laugh, your;scary; faces, your jockes, your presence at Amador and Kevin's balcony at lunchs, dinners and parties... They will stay with us. You'll be always in the island because we'll have always something which will remind us to you.

You promise you will be back. We took your word. And wherever we go, whatever we do, we will always miss our sweetie Chocolate cake Brownie untill you come back.

With all my love,

Miluju t?, mám t? ráda, TE QUIERO.

P. S. Now I think we should have spent even more time together, but as I told you before: this is not over for us;)

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