Peiretti Allegra
Escrito hace 9 años
I will go to study in Nice from september 2015 to june 2016, someone can help me? Someone leave Nice ( and his appartament or room) in june 2015?? thank you.
Peiretti Allegra
Escrito hace 9 años
hello! Have you got an apartments with two rooms (we are two students)? For an apartments with two rooms my budget is about 800 euros. For a room only it is about 500 euros.
I'm going to go to university in boulevard Carabacel. Are there near this place?
Becky Lloyd
Escrito hace 9 años
Hello, I'm also looking for an apartment in Nice. I'll be attending IPAG on boulevard carabacel so I need to be able to travel there with ease either by foot or public transport.
Not set a budget.
jodie craig
Escrito hace 9 años
I'm going to Nice in september for the year and looking for a flatmate and a flat!
Will be studying at LASH on Boulevard Edouard Herriot.
Not sure about the budget as of yet.
Brajan Bazan
Escrito hace 9 años
Hi Mehran,
Im going to Nice next month and i dont have an apartment, could u contact me and tell me more about yout apartments please?
brajan bazan
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