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The Sugarhouse

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The Sugarhouse: perfect club for the weekend

Publicado por flag-es irati cabello — hace 12 años

The Sugarhouse es el club de fiesta de la Universidad de Lancaster. Incluso la propia universidad pone a disposición de los alumnos autobuses que van y vienen desde la universidad hasta la puerta del Club. 

Es el club más grande y tiene 2 salas con música diferente. En la primera sala hay una zona cerca del DJ con sofas y sillas y mesas para estar más tranquilo. La segunda sala, la más grande, es mejor para bailar. 

La música varía cada día, si no recuerda mla, los viernes ponían música de los noventa y los sábados era música actual. 

Lo mejor es ir pronto porque la cola para entrar suele ser muy larga.

Importante llevar la purple card para entrar. 

En su web se indican los diversos eventos:

Wednesday nights is where all the sugary goodness for the week starts in the form of Jinxed! Urban vs Indie, that is the theme of our wednesday nights. An odd combo you might say (hence the name), but it works. Come show us how you do and drop your best moves in the Front Room where resident DJ Cawky will be spinning the best R’n'B tunes. For the Indie lovers amongst you, DJ Melo will fulfil all your music wishes in the Main Room. Jinxed! transforms the club’s atmosphere and the night never fails to deliver a cheeky buzz that lasts into the wee hours. With fancy dress nights every other week it is also the perfect destination for all of those that love a bit of dressing up, and we know there are plenty of you.

On Friday night we proudly proclaim that Old’s Cool.  This weekly and uniquely retro affair delivers exactly what is suggested: a cracking nightlong installment of everybody’s favourite golden oldies and guilty pleasures.  DJ LouD takes over the Main Room to keep you jiving and bopping all night long, whilst The Soundslaves offer something TOTALLY different in the Front Room.  From mainstream to R’n'B anthems to dubstep, and even a cheeky fill of DnB, The Soundslaves mash it up like you’ve never heard before!

Saturday night is Sweet As… And it really is! Indulge your senses and surround yourself with Sugary goodness!  We provide you with some overdraft-friendly drinks offers, Purple Card B4 midnight offers at the bar, an unbeatable atmosphere which reverberates through both packed rooms and the most rave-worthy tracks aurally teasing you all night long from the studiliscious duo DJs Defjax & Cawky.  You can’t help but fall a little bit in love with Saturday nights in Shagga…
It’s classy, it’s cool, it’s just generally Sweet As.
So come for one or come for three; however many times we get to see your lovely faces we will welcome you with open arms, a high five and a spot-on deliverance of one of the best nights you will ever have. Fact.

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