Cancelled! :s

Publicado por flag-es ANA OLMEDA — hace 13 años

Blog: Ana Olmeda (ANA es)
Etiquetas: flag-fr Blog Erasmus Dijon, Dijon, Francia

Two years ago, when I lived in France, a friend found a flight to Stockholm really cheap, she tell to everybody why we didn´t go and all of us bought a ticket. The travel was great, the weather was really cold, because it was February, but we enjoyed our self a lot, Sweden is a beautiful country and we saw a lot of new things for us.

The problem was to come back to France, because the weather was terrible. Most of European airports was closed, because there was a big blizzard and there was snow and ice in the landing strips.

When we arrived at the airport we went to the boarding gate, and when we were in the queue we saw the word “cancelled” in the screens, all the flight was cancelled.

The airport workers said us that the problem was the fog, they couldn´t see the landing trips, so, they cannot take off.

We staid 6 hours in the airport, sleeping in the floor, we and a hundred people.

We asked the airport workers how we must to do to take the next flight to Paris, and they said us that we must buy a new ticket. We said that buy another card was not fair, and they gave as free booking tickets in other flight to France, but not to Paris.

The weather in Sweden was really bad, when we took the plane it was raining but there was no foggy.

Two hours later we arrived in Grenoble, in the south of France. The landed was very difficult because the wind was very strong.

It was about 11 o 12 in the evening, we had cold, and we decided to go to the train station to see when was the first train to our town.

The first train was about 5 in the morning, and we decided to pass all the night in the Station, because we cannot to do other thing, we had no money and in the city was snowing. But, we found a couple who accepted us in their house, so we passed at least three hours in a warm place.

When we took the train nobody said nothing, we were really tired and we slept deep the 3 or 4 hours form Grenoble to our town, Dijon.

Now is only a story, but we passed the worst night in our lives, or at least the most cold.

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