Małgorzata Ch
Escrito hace 7 años
Is there anyone who is going in September on erasmus to Covilha. I'm looking for people from Poland and more.
greetings :)
Karolina Miłobędzka
Escrito hace 7 años
Hello :)
I`m going to Covilha this september. Do you know how to get there? I was looking for some flight but the airport in Covilhã is permanently closed. I saw some trains but is`s very looong trip. What kind of transport do you choose?
Joanna Gomułka
Escrito hace 7 años
Cześć :) możesz lecieć albo do Porto albo do Lizbony, a z tamtąd są już bezpośrednie autobusy Citi Express albo Rede Expressos, można też pociągiem ale z przesiadką. Ja jechałam akurat z Porto ;)
Luis Martínez
Escrito hace 7 años
Hello! We are two boys of Spain, and we are going to Covilha for the first cuarter of the university course. :)
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