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¡Quiero buscar casa YA!

Looking for a (shared) room in Copenhagen!!

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Hi there,

I'm Marloes, living in Nijmegen in the Netherlands.. I'm going to Copenhagen on august 14. Does anyone know where to find a good apartment/room anything, maybe with you? We can look together! I will be studying at Niels Brock Business School in the Fall semester.

Let me know!

Hello! im moving to copenhagen on the 14th as well! im looking for flats but its very complicated. Are u looking forward to sharing?

Hello, I'm also moving to Copenhagen in August and I will be studying at Niels Brock as well. : )
As I can see the situation is quite tough, but maybe you can try to find something here:

I hope it helps : )

Count me in for everything! i'm desperate! It is so difficult.

www.boligportal.dk is a good website, it is in danish. i have seen an appartment offer with 3 rooms..


I need a flat! or a residence! which is better?

Hello!!! I'm going to do an erasmus to copenhagen on september, and I'm alos looking for a flat to share. I'll look in the webs here. If you find something please, count on me. :D

I have sent messages to flats in Denmark, but nobody answer me! =(

Mostrando 1-9 de 9 entradas


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