¿Tienes claro tu destino? Los mejores chollos en alojamientos son los primeros en volar, ¿dejarás que se te adelanten?

¡Quiero buscar casa YA!

Erasmus Association of Coimbra- ESN Coimbra

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Hello future erasmus students of Coimbra.

First of all, congratulations for your decision of choosing Coimbra as your new city for the next 6 or 9 months.
 It will be an amazing  experience, that you ll not regret.

I am from Erasmus Association of Coimbra (www.erasmuscoimbra.com) also know as ESN Coimbra, organisation responsable for helping and providing all the informations to the erasmus students of Coimbra ( Univ of Coimbra, Politecnic of Coimbra and ISMT).

We will help you with the academic and burocratic issues as well about topis like accomodation, classes, subjetcs, sport and cultural activities, etc.

Please feel free to message abotu any doubt that you migth have.

See you soon in COIMBRA.

Michael River

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