Thema erstellt von Céline De'
— vor 12 Jahren
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Céline De'
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
I come from france, and it will be my first year in Toulon, i'm like you i know anybody in Toulon but i have an advantage i'm French ;)
I was in Erasmus in Czech Republic last year and it was the best experience in my life, and i met some cezch people who helped me so if i can help you i'd be happy!
To find an appartment a good website is "leboncoin.com" but it's a French website and im not sure that every owner speak english! or if you want a flatshare a good website is "appartager.com" (it's in French). Or you can call the university who can help you to find a dormitory!
I hope to met some of you next year!! if you need some help don't hesitate!
See you!!!
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