Spanish students looking for an Erasmus flatmate
Thema erstellt von Sofía Soldevilla García
— vor 6 Jahren
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Sofía Soldevilla
Geschrieben vor 6 Jahren
Hi! My name is Sofía and my future flatmate and I are looking for a third flatmate for the coming year (2018/19).
Originally we were three students sharing a tree-room flat (we haven't started looking for one yet), but one of them is going to be outside Soria during the first term, so that's why we are looking for someone else who wants to share a flat with us during the first term of the year.
We are two nice girls of 20-21 years, students of Translation and Interpreting who are currently doing Erasmus, so it would be nice to share a flat next year with an Erasmus student!
Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in becoming our mate!
Alessio Pagliuchi
Geschrieben vor 6 Jahren
Hola Sofía, soy un estudiante italiano que va a hacer el Erasmus en Soria desde el Septiembre hasta Febrero. Acabo de visitar tu anuncio y estaría interesado. Quisiera saber el precio y si en el precio están incluidos los gastos públicos y la conexión internet, muchas gracias :)
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