Erasmus Nice 2012 / 2013 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 13 Jahren
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Erasmusu Staff
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Nice 2012 / 2013!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Nice in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Nice, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Nice
- The accommodation in Nice
- The blog Erasmus Nice
- What to see in Nice, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Nice
- People who have been, are and will be in Nice
- A photo gallery of Nice
- The map and weather in Nice
- The universities in Nice
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Nice or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Nice.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Raul Gil
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi everybody! I am Roberto and I am studying translation at the University of Granada and I recieved the Erasmus grant for Nice for next year's (12/13). I am looking for accommodation in general but also looking for all kind of information about Nice. I was wondering if it is better to stay at a residence or to rent a flat, please if you can help me put on that topic I would be very thankful. In case of renting a flat, I would be up to find flatmates. I will be going to the languages center so anywhere kind of close to that. You can find me on facebook if interested. Thanks,
Roberto Pedros
Sandra Besga
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hola Roberto, yo también iré a Niza el año que viene, y por lo que he leído sale más económico irse a una residencia, ya que hay residencias públicas que subvenciona el Estado. Se tiene que pedir plaza a través del CROUS... yo estoy empezando a mirar así que si tengo noticias te digo!!
Isabel .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
A todos los que vayáis a ir a Niza, os recomiendo que leáis mi blog de Erasmusu sobre esta ciudad. Llevo viviendo aquí desde septiembre y he recopilado bastante información sobre pisos, la universidad, el transporte, viajes, etc. Cualquier pregunta, no dudéis en escribirme tampoco, ¡me encantaría poder ayudaros! :)
Salvatore Balzano
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi guys, I'm Salvatore an italian guy from Naples..i'm studying computer science andI recieved the Erasmus grant for Nice for next year's...i'll be there from september 2012 to march 2013..i think the best thing to do, is rent a shared flat and if you want we can be flatmates, i think that can help us. let me know when u get there.see you soon...
laura monserrat
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hola a todos, soy una chica de murcia y tambien voy a niza el año que viene! estudio economia e ire a la IPAG, que por lo que podido averiguar esta en centro y por tanto las residencias publicas me quedan bastante lejos, es por eso que he pensado en compartir un piso! si ha alguien le interesa que me escriba!
un saludo a todos y hasta muy pronto!!!
laura monserrat
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
hi everybody! i'm a spanish girl and i'm staying in niza next year for 9 months! i'll study at IPAG university and i would like to share a flat, if somebody is interested please contact me!
thanks!! see you soon!!
Salvatore Balzano
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Think can be usefull add each other on facebook...that's my profile page...see u there...
Esmee vm
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi everyone!
I am Esmee, a dutch girl and i'm currently studying in Rotterdam. Last semester I did an internsip in Barcelona and next semester I'm going to participate the erasmus exchange program in Nice:) If it is possible I want to rent a room in a studentflat or someting like that. I think will be in Nice in the end of August till january 2013. Maybe we can share information;)
Have a nice day!
laura monserrat
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi Esmee!! Also i will be in Nice in August, and i want to share a flat too. i have spoken about that with other spanish girls and we have decided to go in a bed&breakfast for a few days and then look for a flat there. What do you think to do?If you go to a public university i encourage you tu visit this web site
kisses! see you soon!
Esmee vm
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
I probably will go to the EDHEC business school. But we can stay in touch on facebook and this forum if you want:) In a month or two i will now more specific things about housing and the school.
Giulia Marzari
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hello everybody! I'm Giulia, I'm studying International Economic Relation at the University of Rome. From September 2012 till July 2013 I will be in Nice for the Erasmus programme. I'm looking for an accomodation and it would be great to share a flat with other erasmus students. Add me on facebook if you want to keep in touch :)
Thank you so much and see you soon!!
Florian S
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi everyone, I'm Florian from Munich. I'll be studying computer sciences at the université de Nice from september 2012 until January 2013. For accomodation I'm interested in sharing a flat with other erasmus students in Nice.
Laurens De
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hello all,
I'm Laurens from Ghent (Belgium) and I will be studying in Espeme 3 (EDHEC) in Nice next semester, 1st semester of 2012-2013.
I have already found an International Flatshare, but made no definitive decision yet. There's room for three people and I think there are still one or two rooms vacant, so don't hesitate to contact me for more information!
Daniele Fiore
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hello everybody,
I'm an italian guy that will be there (Sophia-Antipolis) for Erasmus period from September 2012 to January 2013, i'm searching for a room but it's a little bit expansive. Have you found something about that? Some flatmates? My facebook profile is
Best wishes,
Salvatore Balzano
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Facebook Group
Search on facebook " nice"
can't post direct link...
Jeroen Ingelbeen
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hello everyone,
I am Jeroen from Ypres, Belgium, and I am going to study in EDHEC business school in Nice from september until january.
I haven't found accommodation yet in Nice, so if someone has suggestions you can always contact me.
Thanks and see you soon !
Daniele Fiore
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi Jeroen, I will be at Sophia - Antipolis Campus (SKEMA Business School), i try to find some accomodation in Antibes (Next to the campus and plenty of students and facilities). If you want to add me on facebook this is my address
Duarte Roquette
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hello everyone,
Im a Portuguese student, and im going to study at EDHEC next semester. If someone wants to share an apartment, please let me know. I´ve heard that the best place is the center of Nice.
Hope to see you soon,
Duarte Roquette
Pia Lindqvist
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
hey everyone! :)
I'm Pia from Finland, but I'm currently studying in Glasgow, Scotland. I'm going to Nice (Sophia antipolis) in september for erasmus, I'll stay until june 2013. I'm going to study mostly French-English translation, but perhaps also some Spanish and/or economics:) I'm going to stay in halls, Baie des anges, anyone else going to stay there? Would be really nice to talk to some people who are also heading to sunny Nice:)
Hope to hear from you guys!
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