Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Alquiler habitación primer cuatrimestre 2011-2012

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Hola a todos.

Tengo una habitación libre en un piso con 2 estudiantes más durante el primer cuatrimestre (septiembre-enero) al lado de la universidad Carlos III de Madrid, en el campus de Getafe. El precio es de 330 euros al mes. Interesados mandad un mail a

Hi everybody.

I have a bedroom in an apartment (with another two students living in it) available for the first term (from september to january) nearby Carlos III University of Madrid (Getafe). 330 € per month. Those interested please contact me on my e-mail,

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Bitte warte einen Moment

Lauf Hamster! Lauf!