Erasmus Grenoble 2011 / 2012 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 14 Jahren
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Erasmusu Staff
Geschrieben vor 14 Jahren
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Grenoble 2011 / 2012!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Grenoble in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Grenoble, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Grenoble
- People who have been, are and will be in Grenoble
- A photo gallery of Grenoble
- Erasmus experiences in Grenoble
- The map and weather in Grenoble
- The Universities in Grenoble
If you're a student who's spent time in Grenoble in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Grenoble by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Grenoble win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Bethany Sharp
Geschrieben vor 14 Jahren
Hello! I've been offered a place at Science Po Grenoble starting Sept 2011, just wondering if anyone has been and could tell me what the uni is like etc? Or if anyone is going?
Sara Villar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey, we've just created a group in facebook, it's called erasmus grenoble curso 2011-2012. Join everybody so that we can know each other!!!!
Nicole Morgan
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey! I've been offered a place at Grenoble Ecole de Management starting in Sept 2011. Got a lot of things to sort out including accommodation so if anyone can help or just wants to chat that'd be great :)
Bethany Sharp
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey Nicole! I'm going to Sciences Po Grenoble in Sept 2011! Where are you from? And what are you going to study?
Nicole Morgan
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey I'm from Inverness in the north of Scotland but living in Glasgow just now because I study in Strathclyde University. How about you? I currently study international business with languages (french and spanish). Finance is my main business subject. What is it you do?
Ali Campbell
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey, Im also going to Science Po in September 2011. Has anyone sorted any accommodation out yet?
Joonas Pääkkönen
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi, I'm already here in Grenoble. At the moment it seems that I will only be here until the end of August doing my internship through Erasmus. But I'm looking for international/exchange people here as it's summer and seems pretty quiet around here. And for those who are still on their way here, I might be able to help since I'm already here and know a bit about stuff =) Be in touch!
Benedetta Catini
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi! I'm Benedetta...I'm going to study cultural heritage to upmf in grenoble!!someone is going there? I want some practical informations about campus and accomodation...thanks!byeee
Jean Valjean
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
If you need informations about Grenoble, help, etc... feel free to ask me.
Katherine Allwood
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey, I'm coming to Grenoble for the year in September to study at Grenoble III and, as I've decided to not take up student accomodation, how's the best way to go about getting accomodation with perhaps other erasmus people?
Marta Mestre
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Heeey I'm from Barcelona and I'm comming to Grenoble next September to study at INP. I'm studing chemical engineering. Do you have any idea about the residence??? Regards!
Giovanni Tommasi
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Katherine i'm also looking for a flat with other erasmus students, but it's not easy. you can look here, it's a very useful website, but many people are seeking a second or third person to fill a room; it's hard to find other erasmus . Maybe the best thing is to go to grenoble a week before classes start
Katherine Allwood
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Go a week before classes start?? Something tells me that wouldn't work out well! :) Thanks for the website! I'm just looking for a few erasmus students who want to find a place together in main Grenoble really, next year should be fun with people from all over Europe!
yasmin zaror
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
hey im going to grenoble this september to pierre-mendes university ....anyone?????????????
Benedetta Catini
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey, I'll go to pierre-mendes university!I'll do histoire de l'art...and you?find me in's more easy to speak....
Stefania Peracchio
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi, I'm going to study psycology and I'm going to stay in the residence Berlioz.. anyone is going there?
Audrey H
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi, I'm a current student of the University Stendhal, so if you have any question ask me!
tatisteca *
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Dear Audrey, I have some questions for you... I'm rolled in a Exchange program, I have already received the Residence where I'll go, everything it's ok. But I would like to know about the "attestation d’assurance" that they ask for enter to the Residence. I will not have it until I arrive there... so, is it mandatory for exchange students too? or we can do it after we are installed in the Residence? This is my question for now... Thank you!
Audrey H
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Yes it is, but I'm not sure! Because it's important for your inscription the university.
I think that it's better if you have it just a few days before you go in Grenoble or a few days after (but not a month, of course!).
If you good explain your problem the secretary will can understand, that you have not already the attenstation d'assurance.
I hope i answer to your question...