Erasmus en Belfast.
Thema erstellt von Claudia SC.
— vor 13 Jahren
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Claudia SC.
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hola a todos, soy una estudiante de Derecho de la Universidad de Salamanca, interesada en pedir una beca Erasmus en Belfast el curso que viene. Me gustaría conocer opiniones de gente que haya estudiado (derecho) allí, dificultad de los examenes y la vida alli en general. Gracias, un saludo.
Mary Hassan
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Claudia- I'm a law student at Queen's and I'm going to study at Salamanca next year! The Erasmus law students get different exams and coursework to everybody else - it's easier. I can send you some examples of this year's Erasmus work if you would like! Anything else you'd like to know?
Claudia SC.
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Thank you Mary! I would like to see examples of work Erasmus, yes! It would be great! I definitely have been awarded the Erasmus in Belfast and I have a little scared lol... I would know how is people there, if they are friendly or not, and how is life there too! :) Really I have a million of doubts... I'm so nervous... How can que talk on private?
...nd If you want, I can also inform you a bit about life here in Salamanca! :)
Mary Hassan
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
I know I have European Internal Market Law erasmus assessment stuff at least. If you know what subjects you are taking I can get you the lecture notes too! There were Spanish erasmus guys in both my European law classes this term so you might be taking those? Do you get a choice? If you add me on facebook or private mail me your email address I'll send you some stuff!
Pablo Argente
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
claudia yo tb voy a Belfast y tambien estudio Derecho en Zaragoza, q curso vas a hacer en Belfast??
Claudia SC.
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hola Pablo! pues voy a hacer 5º en Belfast, no se que asignaturás corresponderán alli en Zaragoza pero me llevo Internacional Privado, Mercantil II, Filosofía del Derecho, Civil IV y Procesal-Civil, coincidimos en alguna? jeje
Pablo Argente
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
yo hago tb 5.
llevo internacional privado, mercantil II, filosofía de derecho y financiero II.
Claudia SC.
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Vamos que coincidimos en unas cuantas, bien bien, me han dicho que es bastante fácil aprobar alli, y que solo tenemos dos horas de clase obligatorias a la semana...como te quedas?!?! jajaja
Pablo Argente
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
loq no me gusta tanto es eso deq dices q no hay muxa fiesta, xk con dos horas a la semana algo habra q hacer no? jeje
una xika de mi clase esta este año en belfast haciendo 4, me tiene q informar bien todo, ya ire diciendo cosillass
MYRTO Pargana
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
HELLO!!! My name is Myrto and I'm a student of Law from Greece.I'm coming to Belfast for one semester in September and i would like to get to know other Erasmus students who are going to be there too!! I think it's a good way too feel more confident and ready about our transfer there :D I am learning spanish too and i'm so glad to find than many spanish students will be there too!
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