Já sabe o seu destino? As melhores ofertas de alojamento são as primeiras a serem vendidas, não as perca!

Quero encontrar uma casa AGORA!

Erasmus student

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Hello! I'm Sofia a French student, I will come to Sevilla in Sptember 2011 with the program Erasmus to study in the University Pablo de Olavide and I'm looking for a or many roomates to share flat with me . If there are any people who will go there next year tell me thanks !

Hi! I'm an italian student and i will come to Sevilla in the first days of Semptember 2011. I'm looking for a shared flat too!!

Hi! I'm a spanish girl. My roommate and I are looking for a partner for one semester Erasmus. If you are interested write to this email: [email protected]

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