Erasmus Maastricht 2014/2015
Tópico criado por Andrea Miguel Jiménez
— há 10 anos
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Andrea Miguel
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola! Soy Andrea y el próximo año me voy de Erasmus a Maastricht con asignaturas de ADE. He estado mirando alojamiento pero la verdad es que no se qué elegir. Me han hablado de la Brouwersweg C, ¿alguien sabe qué tal está? Un saludo!
Sophie Mls
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hi Andrea! I was an exchange student in Maastricht this fall semester. For my part I ended up at the P building, the one near the C building. I think the C building is better because the kitchen and the living room are shared between several students so it´s better to get to know people rapidly and it´s also more convivial. But one of my friends lived in the M building and I think it is the best choice. it was similar to the C building but the kitchens there were better furnisher with ovens and freezers. So I would recommend the M building :) hope I could help and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions regarding accommodation, the SBE,... :)
Cristina Del
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola Andrea, yo tambien voy alli de Erasmus y no sé muy bien donde alojarme, aunque tambien he escuchado hablar del edificio c. ¿De donde eres tú?
Sophie Mls
Foi escrito há 10 anos
I think that they are both in the same range of price, it goes from 300 to 600€, depending on the type of room (with roommate or not, with your own toilet or not) you want. I think it's really expensive considering what you get for that price. If you search accommodation via the private sector I am sure you can find something much better and much furnished for a similar price or even lower but the Guesthouse is indeed the quickest solution if you don't have time to search further. Anyway I would highly recommend the M building over the C one since the kitchens are better furnished as I've said. I don't know if it's an important factor for you but it was for me because I love cooking :p
Regarding courses, they are really hard especially when you are not used to the teaching method which is PBL. Actually the periods of teaching are so short that you have to work hard since exams are just after the learning block and you don't benefit from extra days off to study, as it is the case in main countries ;)
I still have a lot to say about courses but I don't want to write too much so if you have more precise questions, don't hesitate to ask or if you don't but you want more information, you can contact me on fcbk :)
Cristina Del
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola Andrea, estudio en la Universidad de Almería. ¿Cuándo tienes pensado hacer la reserva?
Miguel Augusto
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hi everyone!! I am going to study in Maastrich university the next course. I study ADE in Universidad Carlos III de Getafe in Madrid too. I was thinking to stay in the residence of Volksplien but I don't know if it is a good idea. Sophie, can you tell me something about that residence please?
Andrea, eres de la facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas de Getafe tambien?
Miguel Augusto
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Nos podriamos ver algun dia por la facultad!! Estaria muy bien!!
Aun no, lo hare este finde o muy pronto. Me falta elegir la resi y hacer la matricula. Te aviso, tienes que recoger documentacion en el SERINT que se nos pide al hacer la matricula.
¿Vosotras ya habeis hecho los tramites y teneis claro al final donde os vais a hospedar?
Miguel Augusto
Foi escrito há 10 anos
No, todavia no he mirado convalidaciones y tu? Yo es que me estoy pensando lo de la residencia, no se que hacer, que te han dicho de la brouwersweg C? Durante cuanto tiempo la has contratado? ¿ Sabes que los training skills en Enero no tenemos obligacion de hacerla? yo no se de que van los training skills, ¿sabes de que va?
Yo pregunte en el SERINT que tardarian poco en publicar cuando son las reuniones, esperemos que no tarden jajaja.
Sophie Mls
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hi Miguel! Unfortunately I can't tell you very much about the Volksplein building since I haven't met anybody living there.
But if I had to change something in my Erasmus I would have gone to the M or the C building because you can really meet a lot of people there. I was in the P one but I was nearly all the time in the M or the C where some of my friends lived ;)
Miguel Augusto
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Thank you very much Sophie. The C building, did you mean Brouwersweg C? Is it the complete name? and the M building, which is it complety name?
Did you go to the training skills in january? It is not compulsory for exchange students but do you know which is the target of that subjet? is it worth to attend to that class?
Iñaki Ortiz
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Me llamo Iñaki y voy a Maastricht el curso 2014/2015 completo! Estudio derecho en la universidad del Pais Vasco y estoy aqui basicamente pasa saber quienes vamos el año que viene e ir conociendonos!!!
Un saludoo
Sophie Mls
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Yes this is the one I mean. I think Brouwersweg 100 C building and Brouwersweg 100 M building are the complete names. The only difference between them is that the C one is supplied by and the M one by SSH Short Stay but they are at the same location. From my personal experience I would highly recommend the M building: the kitchen equipments are much better than the ones in the C and you have ovens and freezers, which you haven't in the C. Besides the M building has been renoved last year so it looks really newer than the other one.
Regarding the skills period in January, I had to take it because of my home university but if I had the choice I would not have taken it! Since it's not compulsory for exchange students, there are nearly only regulars and you can feel really lost, especially because the stuff is not easy at all. Furthermore if you don't take it, you have normally your whole month of January free of classes so it's really nice, you absolutely need it after the first semester, it's crazy, you'll see :p
Sonia Salvador
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola, soy estudiante de psicología y estaré haciendo el año que viene Erasmus durante el primer cuatrimestre en Maastricht. Como todos tengo dudas sobre el alojamiento, por lo que veo todos recomiendan Brouwersweg (C o M) pero pilla bastante lejos de mi universidad ¿alguna idea sobre otra más cerca? De todas formas, pese a la distancia, parece que de momento Brouwersweg M es la que más me convence.
Shopie, you said that BrouwerswegM is supplied by SSH short stay, but I´ve have found ir in Maastricht housing, looking for by private owners instead of University, would this be a problem? I think it´s much better than C just because it seems to be more new. Thank you.
Sophie Mls
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Not a problem at all I'd say. I also think it's better than C as I've said :)
Patricio Del
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola, me llamo Patricio y el año que viene también estaré en Maastrich. Estoy estudiando 2o de derecho en el Pais Vasco (Bizkaia). Mi duda era sobre la matriculación, he estado mirando y en la Faculty of Law tenemos de plazo hasta el 15 de mayo para matricularnos online, sabéis algo al respecto?. Bueno y otra duda también sobre el alojamiento, residencia o piso compartido, viendo los pros y las contras no me decido, que tenéis pensado?
Un saludo!
Elena Domínguez
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola a todos! Soy Elena, de Sevilla, y también voy para allá el curso completo a estudiar Psicología, ¿habéis mirado ya los precios de las residencias y tal? ¿Cuál os parece más interesante? El estudio del 100 P es genial pero MUY caro. El que más me ha llamado la atención es el C pero del tipo también ando muy perdida. Toda ayuda es bien recibida!
Un saludo!!
Cristina Del
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Patricio, no sé si has resuleto ya tu duda, pero yo también tengo hasta el día 15. La universidad me ha avisado de que el plazo se me cumplía y les he mandado un correo diciendo que no entiendo algunas cosas de la aplicación y que mi universidad va a ayudarme a rellenar la solicitus y demás, a lo que la universidad de Maastricht me ha respondido que sin problema. Si tienes algún problema enviales un correo ;)
Isabel Bermejo
Foi escrito há 10 anos
¡Hola a todos!
Soy Isabel, esta semana me han comunicado que me han aceptado en el Conservatorium de Maastricht para un intercambio de 5 meses en el curso 2014/2015. En España estudio en el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Navarra y me preguntaba si alguién por aquí va al mismo sitio...? ¡SALUDOS A TODOS!
Clara Clarineta
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Hola Isabel, yo estoy en tu misma situación, estudio en Coruña en el Conservatorio Superior y también me han concecido beca Erasmus a Maastricht para el curso que viene. Si quieres buscame en feisbuc y vamos hablando. Soy Clara Clarineta y tengo de foto de perfil unas flores con los colores de la bandera republicana.