Se buscan compañeros/as para compartir piso o habitacion en residencia.
Tópico criado por Jose F.R
— há 13 anos
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Jose F.R
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hola gente! soy un granaino de 18 años que el año que viene va a estudiar a la City University durante 4 meses (febrero-junio) y pues he estado mirando residencias, y claro casi todas son para un año academico entero, ademas de costar un ojo de la cara...y he pensado, o bien compartir habitacion con alguien en una residencia que sale mas barato que una habitacion individual o buscarse un piso compartido.
Escribo aqui por si a alguien le interesa mi plan, y quiere compartir habitacion o piso conmigo, que eso de conocer a alguien de antes tranquiliza bastante y si es español mejor que mejor.
Todavia tengo que ponerme duro a buscar residencia, por ahora estoy bastante interesao en la Britannia City (Zona 2-110libras habitacion compartida por semana ) y bueno mi tutor de alli de Londres me ha una pagina de alojamientos que es bastante buena:
Un saludo! ;)
Victoria Hall
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Looking for a student residence in London? Victoria Hall can offer you both peace of mind and a fantastic experience when renting student accommodation. We believe that modern student accommodation should be comfortable, stylish and affordable to rent. We are located 12 minutes from Baker Street and you get FREE iPAD2 IF YOU BOOK BEFORE 18 SEPTEMBER 2011. Go to for more information.
Ana Carolina
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Hi !
EASYFLAT is a company that helps students to find a room in London. We also help you to find a job, and we offer English courses.
Go to to see all our options and packages.
Bye !
Victoria Hall
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Looking for a student accommodation in London? We might have a student accommodation for you. The price is £218.00 per week, we are next to Wembley Park Tube Station and we are also accepting short term accommodation for 2011 and 2012 (minimum 3 months). We don’t take deposit, all en-suite, Internet included, Satellite TV, 24 hours security and many more. Visit our website or call us on +44 845 404 4300 for more information. If you prefer, you can request a call back. It doesn’t matter if you are in or outside the UK. You can just reply this message or email to [email protected] with your request and telephone number and one of the staff will contact you. Hope it helps!
Ana Carolina
Foi escrito há 13 anos
Looking for accommodation in London? We have it for you !! !! The price varies due to the location. But we are shure we will find something that fits your budget. Visit our website or send us an email to [email protected] for more information. If you prefer, you can request a call back. It doesn’t matter if you are in or outside the UK, if you prefer to talk instead of emailing just write to [email protected] with your phone number, specifying the country, and we will call you to start looking for a room.
Certificated company in Spain and the UK.
Bye !
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