Tópico criado por Alessandro Carnemolla
— há 14 anos
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Alessandro Carnemolla
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi, I\'m going to Liege in the second semester of 2010/2011. I\'m studying Economia, so I\'ll go to HEC. I want habit in a kot with other students from other countries, to learn talking other languages and to enjoy my Erasmus. XD I think that there is too confusion in the other threads so I\'ve just thought to start a new thread where everyone who goes to Liege in the 2nd semester can meet other friends to contact us each other. Ciaoo
joao rocha
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi Alessandro. I'm going to Liege in 2nd semester too. If somebody that have kot for the first semester need someone to stay with the kot on 2nd semester tell please:)
Alexandre Dugas
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hey Guys,
Same here, I will be at HEC Liege for the second semester. I still havent found a kot, but I thing
we will be hearing about availabilities quite soon. looking forward to meeting you guys in Liege.
Foi escrito há 14 anos
hi!I'm going in the second semester too!
Marta Podadera
Foi escrito há 14 anos
hellO! I´m Marta, I´m going to study phisiotherapy in Liège in the second semester of 2010/2011
amina oumbarek
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Mee too!! see u at HEC!! i'm sure that we will have a great time there!
Sol Met
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hey, I am going at the Faculty of Droit et Science politique, Liege in the second semester too!! I am soo excited!!! :))
Foi escrito há 14 anos
hi Sol!Me too I'm going at the faculty of droit et science politique!Do you study droit or science politique?See you soon!
Inês Sanches
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi everybody! I'll go to in Liège in the 2nd semester, and I'll be in erasmus researching program in faculty of medicine from ulg. I'm looking for a Kot cause I heard that is the best type of accommodation and I'm attempting to share it with more people. I'm going alone, so if anyone is interested to share a kot let me know =). Anyway I'll go in January to Liege just to search for it. See ya!
Sol Met
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi Paola!! Basically, I study International and European Studies in Greece, but in Liege I'm going to attend courses both at the faculty of droit and science politique!! What about you..? see u soon, then!!
Mariangela Caprioli
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi!!! I'm also going to study Droit in Liegi (Giurisprudenza in Lecce)!!! I'm looking for a kot for January,as you...of course!!!! Who will have news about it, share with us!!!!!!
Thanks and...see you soon!!!
p.s. Ciao Alessandro, come vedi ho seguito il tuo consiglio!Mille grazie e...a presto!
leticia ramod
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi!! I'm going to HEC in the second semester of 2010/2011 too! See you there! =D
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi there! I'm going to Liège in Frebruary and I`m very worried about where I'm going to stay! I've read here that "Residence Sart Tilman" is not very good. =/
So.. what is the best place to stay?
Alessandro Carnemolla
Foi escrito há 14 anos
I think that staying in a kot whit other students is the best way.. Moreover it is better to search for a kot only when you are there to look directly where you are going to stay... Ciao :)
Foi escrito há 14 anos
thank you for the tip! :) ciao!
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hello guys! I have just returned from Liè's very beautiful and very cold!!I found a nice kot! If you need some information on how to find a kot write me!!see you on february!!
joao rocha
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi Paola, how do you found the kot? and wich area of liege did you found the kot?
amina oumbarek
Foi escrito há 14 anos
hi paolaa? how much did u spend for the food( without restaurants, pubs..) there? its expensive¿¿ i read that it is about 90-100 euros per mouth, really?
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hi guys!I was only a week in Liège to find a kot! I will be there in February like about the food and the cost of living I don’t know!!
To find a kot I use internet. I think the best websites are (if you want to contact the kot’s owners you have to pay) and
If you go to Centre Jeunesse on Boulevard d’avroy 5 they give you the list of website, the city map and the bus map. You can also use free internet for half an hour. There is internet also in the youth hostel (it’s very nice, in the city centre and cheap!)
There are a lot of kot in the area of rue saint gilles and boulevard d’avroi, but I think that all the city centre is ok!!
It’s very usefull go to the university’s Service du logement. You find it in the university in Place du XX aout. they help you and they give you many listing of kot available!
Don’t worry. it’s not so difficult find a kot!!good luck!
Elodie Schalenbourg
Foi escrito há 14 anos
Hey guys !
I'm a student from Liège and at the moment I'm doing my Erasmus in Madrid, this is such a great experience ! =) Anyway I'll go back to Liège in February, so I don't have any kot to offer (I'll need mine hehe), but I advise you to look on websites like
Or if you wanna look for a kot when you get there, you can have a walk in the streets where you wanna live and look for the "Kot à louer" adverts (though it works better in September, but I think you might still have a chance ;)). Or you can go to the "Centre J" (Boulevard d'Avroy n°5), they also have adverts for kots and appartments.
Oh and the best areas to live are definitely in the center, even if you go to classes to the Sart Tilman, cause there are few (if any) buses at night that go there, and I guess you'll want to go out sometimes haha :D So have a look in the area of Boulevard d'Avroy, Boulevard de la Sauvenière, rue Saint-Gilles, Place Cathédrale, Place du XX août, Place Saint-Lambert...
And if you want any other information just tell me, I'd be happy to introduce you to my city ! :) And I hope to meet some of you there and keep on with the big Erasmus adventure ! =)