Erasmus Gent 2015 / 2016 (English)
Tópico criado por Erasmusu Staff
— há 10 anos
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Erasmusu Staff
Foi escrito há 10 anos
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Gent 2015 / 2016!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Gent in 2015 / 2016 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Gent, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Gent
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Gent
- The general forum for Gent
- The blog Erasmus Gent
- What to see in Gent, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Gent
- People who have been, are and will be in Gent
- A photo gallery of Gent
- The map and weather in Gent
- The universities in Gent
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Gent or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Gent.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
George A.
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hey everyone
Im moving to Gent for studies in the first semester of 2015-2016. Im planning to share a flat with one or more people guys or gals, or rent a room in a house. Im 22, from Greece, Athens and I'll be studying engineering. Feel free to contact ! Cheers!
Barış Doğan
Foi escrito há 9 anos
I might be there bro and lookin for someone to share a room or somethin like that.
Michele Miccoli
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Ciao, sono un ragazzo italiano e sarò anche io a Gent dal prossimo settembre 2015 per l'intero corso. Cerco anche io un appartamento da convidere con altri studenti!
Che voi sappiate ci sono anche Campus convenzionati con l'Università?
Loïc Lprd
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hi folks,
I'll be 21 this summer and I'll study business at Ugent nex year,
I'm looking for an accomodation and some people to share it, if possible during the full year. I guess it would be cool to find something for 4 or 5 students and mix genders.
Don't hesitate to contact me,
Jasmin Such
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hey everyone!
I'm also going to Gent in September to study Business Management. Does anyone know if there are student halls there or do you have to rent a room and share a flat?
Thanks :)
George A.
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hey Jasmine,
There are university halls of residence in UGent if you 're gonna study there:
Enes Dönmez
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hello everyone,
My name is Enes and I'm from Istanbul, Turkey. Hopefully, if everything goes well I'll be studying communications master's in Gent during the first semester, at Arteveldehogeschool. I will know for sure if I'm coming to Gent or not in a couple of weeks and I think it would be really great to get to know other erasmus students in advance. Hope to see you guys around and I wish the best of luck to you all.
Valentina Tonut
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hi:) i'm Valentina from Italy.
In september i will be in Ghent for the first semester(till Juanuary) to do my erasmus experience.
I'ii study Languages and Translation at the Univerisity of Ghent.
I'm searching flatmates to share a flat or a room to rent near UGent. I prefer to live with other students,i accept also a double room.:)
about me: i'm a nice,kind person, i don't smoke and i love animals so i have no problem to live with them.
If you have some infos for me, feel free to contact me :)
Gil Gonçalves
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hi :)
My name is gil and im from portugal
Next year i will be in ghent in the first semetre (possibly 2nd also)
I'm looking for roomates to share a flat (boys and girls).
I'm very social, i like to party, i also like to cook so i think i will be the perfect roomate. If any of you are interested please tell me ;)
rui barbs
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hi guys!
I'm Rui from Portugal.
I'll be studying Electrical Engineering next year at UGent - 1st Semestre.
I want to share an appartment/studio with some other students from other countries!
About me: I'm very social, I like new experiences and meeting lots of people. I like cooking and I keep things tidy. I also love animals.
Anything else, feel free to ask me !
Cheers :D
George A.
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hi again guys!
I just got my invitation letter from Ugent.
I ll be studying in Ghent from 16 SEPTEMBER to 31 JANUARY, so i need a place to stay. Im searching a room in a house or appartment shared with others. Im a 22years old male, studying engineering. Im used in sharing my place since im doing it for like 5 years. Im a non smoker, though i dont mind smoking inside, have no pets, but they dont bother me either. I speak english and a little French, i can put up with house chores and share them. I need something in a central place, close to transport means, my faculty, so we talk about distance easily covered by a bike.
I can pay up to 400€ with bills included.
If you rent a place, share a place or even want to search together for a place just pm me!
Thanks and have a nice time.
Edoardo Pappx
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hello, everybody!
My name is Edoardo, I'm 24 and I come from Italy, nice to meet you!
I'll be in Gent from October to February (4 months) for an Erasmus+ Inteership in the Department of Data Analysys, Faculty of Psychology.
I'm searching for an accomodation with other students, not too expensive, with bills included in the monthly rent.
About me: I'm nice, solar, helpful, I like cooking and meeting new people!
Write me!
byeeee :)
Lâl Yarkın
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hello Guys,
I'am Lal from Istanbul. I will be in Gent * Luca School Of Art * for 2016 spring semester.
I am looking for a flat. roomshare. or any accomodation options. Please be free to write me.
Best Wishes !!!
António Rocha
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hello everyone!
I'm António from Porto, Portugal and I'll be studying in Ghent University for the 1st semester.
I guess I am the typical erasmus guy who goes for it alone and wants to meet lots of new people from everywhere, travel and party during this time :D
I am also looking for a room for a fair price and I am looking to share it with anyone who's tidy. sociable and... I guess that's it! :)
See you soon everyone and best wishes!
Jezrel Magpantay
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Looking for a housemate for the first semester! All details in my profile :)
Léa Teper
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hey :) I'm looking for a room too! Have you find anything?
I'm currently studying law in Brussels (I'm Belgian), but will do an erasmus in Gent during the first semester as well.
Let me know if you found anything :)
Sonne Süßlo
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hey guys!
Im a 23 year old Austrian girl doing an internship at UGhent from mid Oct till mid Dec 15. I study (Neuro)Psychology mainly in Vienna and partly in Perth (AUS)- Perth is pretty cool so im going back and forth, but as i love traveling an meeting new ppl i thought id add Ghent to my route as well ;)
So yeah Im looking to find some shared flat thing with nice ppl, ideally somewhere closeish to Uni as i dont like walking too much but maybe wanna think about getting a bike to get around.
What ive got to say about my self.. yeah id like to think im quite nice, always in a good mood, easy going, i like cooking and baking, i also like travelling, beer, wine and chocolate.
If u wanna live with me, have a place for me or know someone who does dont hesitate to get in touch.
Paola de
Foi escrito há 9 anos
Hi ! I'm studying animated films and I'll be in Gent from September to December for an internship. I'm desperately looking for a room (student room in residence or house sharing) below 300€ if possible. Please contact me if you have something !