Já sabe o seu destino? As melhores ofertas de alojamento são as primeiras a serem vendidas, não as perca!

Quero encontrar uma casa AGORA!

Erasmus Florianópolis 2010 / 2011 (English)

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Welcome to the forum for Florianópolis 2010 / 2011!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Florianópolis in 2010 / 2011 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Florianópolis, etc. Here you can also find:

- The general forum for Florianópolis
- People who have been, are and will be in Florianópolis
- A photo gallery of Florianópolis
- Erasmus experiences in Florianópolis
- The map and weather in Florianópolis
- The Universities in Florianópolis

If you're a student who's spent time in Florianópolis in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Florianópolis by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Florianópolis win the number one spot!

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

Is someone going to Florianópolis in February 2011?

i'm going there middle of february. still don't know where to live and how to get there, which airport would be better...
btw, which campus are u going?

yo tambien me voy para alla comovosotras. hablamos

Hey girls... I am from Florianópolis! If you need some help... write to me! Are you going to study at UFSC?

Que simpática, obrigada! vou para a ufsc sim..

Que legal... Que curso vocês fazem? E quando vocês vem?
qualquer coisa, meu e-mail é renata.larroyd@gmail.com!

im going to unisul and cannot find really about that..i would really need some advice :)


I used to study International Relations there...
Which Campus are you going?

Feel free to write to me:


Oi!! Não... geralmente o pessoal aluga casas ou apartamentos próximos.

olá! Também vou para florianopolis em Fev 2011.

Hi all,

does anybody know this site?

Hello to everybody.

I am going to Floripa as well. My name is Toni. Please add me to your messenger accounts and we can talk. See u soon.

Hello to everybody.

I am going to Floripa as well. My name is Toni. Please add me to your messenger accounts and we can talk. See u soon.

Hi again. I forgot write down me account... :-) tonidiaz1984@msn.com

Olá! eu tambem vou para Floripa como intercambista, chegarei na primeira semana do março!

Hey I am also from Florianópolis, but now I am in Germany and will get back to the Island at the end of Frebruary.
If anyone needs something, hopefully I can help.
I know how hard it can be for a Interchange student.

Anyway hope to see some of u in Floripa!!

Olá, vou para Florianópolis em Fevereiro para a UFSC, ando à procura de alojamento para 2 pessoas, gostaria de saber se alguem tem conhecimento de contactos?

Boa tarde,
Vou para Floianópolis em fins de Julho, alguem sabe como arranjar casa ou estão na mesma situação que eu?

Eu também vou por essa altura fins de julho inicio de agosto.
já andei a ver uns quartos...mas não encontrei muita oferta!!

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A dar à manivela!