Erasmus Badajoz 2013 / 2014 (English)
Tópico criado por Erasmusu Staff
— há 12 anos
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Erasmusu Staff
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Badajoz 2013 / 2014!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Badajoz in 2013 / 2014 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Badajoz, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Badajoz
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Badajoz
- The general forum for Badajoz
- The blog Erasmus Badajoz
- What to see in Badajoz, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Badajoz
- People who have been, are and will be in Badajoz
- A photo gallery of Badajoz
- The map and weather in Badajoz
- The universities in Badajoz
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Badajoz or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Badajoz.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Alberto Arestizabal
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Hi Guys!! If you are coming to Badajoz on Erasmus and you have any questions or somethig, as ke here, maybe I can help you :D
Joaquín Martín
Foi escrito há 12 anos
You can also contact me for any question or information about Badajoz, the University, trips, parties... About everything. I worked in ESN in Extremadura last year because I like help people, I like help exchange students in my region.
To contact me: Joaquín Martín de Saavedra (Facebook)
Best regards!
Joaquín Martín de Saavedra Rojas
Ex-Webmaster & Community Manager at ESN UEx (Erasmus Student Network Universidad de Extremadura)
Alberto Arestizabal
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Joaquín is also a good guy :D Actually, if you are coming to Badajoz you will not meet one of us without the othe one hehe
We are good friends and we can help for everything ;)
Joaquín Martín
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Ci penso io a farti conoscere altri studenti di educazione, Francesca ;)
Non ti preoccupare :)
Alberto Arestizabal
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hello Francesca!! Just say to you that you make a really good choice coming to Badajoz on Erasmus :D Both Joaquín and me will help in everything you need. We've just found an Exchange Student Organization for that (Orgasmus)
Star to keep that eord on your mind ;)
Eric Åhs
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hi guys! I am from Sweden studying Medicine in Poland. I'll be doing a Erasmus year in Badajoz!
Best regards
Joaquín Martín
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hi, Eric! :)
Add me on Facebook if you want: Joaquín Martín de Saavedra
Regards ;)
Ilaria Marchetti
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hola!! :)
I'm italian and I'm a studyind Primary education in Turin. Next year I'm coming to Badajoz and I really can't wait!
Just a question, is there an athletic field closed to the University?
Best regards,
Alberto Arestizabal
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Ciao Ilaria!!
Firstly, welcome to BAdajoz ;)
Secondly, I will be happy to help you in anything you need. In fact, I have a friend her to speaks italian so maybe he could help you also if you want ;)
And of course it is, there is an athletic field in the university just right next to the faculty of education, so will have it pretty close ;)
Adios!! see you soon ;)
Joaquín Martín
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Ciao, Valentina! :)
Mi presento: mi chiamo Joaquín, e faccio parte di Orgasmus. Si tratta di un'associazione (no profit) che aiuta gli Erasmus a Badajoz ogni anno: sia per trovare casa, sia a fare l'immatricolazione, sia ad organizzare feste e viaggi, ecc.
Sentiamoci su Facebook se preferisci, così ti racconto tutto, va bene? :) Cercami: Joaquín Martín de Saavedra.
Un saluto, a presto! ;)
Alberto Arestizabal
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Ciao Valentina!!
Joaquin and me are friends so you will see us together always ;) we both belong to Orgasmus as he said. Regardig with your degree, maths, it is located in the Badajoz Campus of course.
We are looking foward to have you here guys ;)
Alper Boz
Foi escrito há 11 anos
I'll be erasmus next year in badajoz at communication faculty! I just want to meet some people before going and talking about the process :) cheers!
Joaquín Martín
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hi, Alper!
Add me on Facebook if you want :) -> Joaquín Martín de Saavedra.
Regards ;)
Angela Rodriguez
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Hello guys! I'm from Badajoz and I'm studying economics in the university of Extremadura so if someone has questions tell me whatever! I'll answer you everything you need to know :)
Joaquín Martín
Foi escrito há 11 anos
¡Hola, Ángela!
¿Te gustaría formar parte de una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que ayuda a los Erasmus en Badajoz cada año?
Un saludo :)
Purita Caballero
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Bonjour à tous!!! je m'appelle Puri et je fais des études pour être professeur d'education primaire de français à l'université de Extremadura. Je suis née à Badajoz mais j'habite en Suisse. Pendant deux ans je serai en belgique avec une bourse d' étude (ERASMUS), c´est pour ça que je veux aider les futures Erasmus parce que je sais que le début est difficile. Si un Erasmus de france, suisse ou belgique a besoin d'aide et veut des informations sur badajoz... l'universite de Extremadura.... le milieu .....Seulement il/elle doit m'envoyer un message et je répondrais rapidement!!!!! à bientôt!!
Sara Vicidomini
Foi escrito há 11 anos
I'm Sara from University of Salerno,Italy! I'll go to Badajoz in september, and I need some information for all!!
per le ragazze italiane,se vi va teniamoci in contatto anche su fb,magari ci organizziamo insieme,ho bisogno di compagnia,parto da sola da qui,anche per trovare casa,viaggio ecc.ecc.
un saluto a tutti,grazie per le risposte
best regards,thaks for the answers
valentina buffa
Foi escrito há 11 anos
Ciao Sara anche io a settembre parto e sono da sola su face mi sono messa in contatto con altre ragazze italiane.. se ti fa piacere aggiungimi su face... cmq cosa studi?