Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!


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Hey everyone!:) My name is Dominyka I'm from Lithuania and want to meet some new people from abroad:)  so  if you are searching for new friends, write me  i will wait :)

Why not?? I m from pamplona but i lived in swisstherland 4 yeras and now i come here for study, i would like meet de people and practice de inglish and french and do a new friends, contact me. See you

Hey Dominyka, I came here from Istanbul/Turkey I'll study here for a year and as you I want to meet with some people :) if yo can contact me or add me from somewhere we can meet sometimes :)

The same for me! I'm here until january and I want to meet some lithuanian people. So add me or contact me and we'll see! :)

I will be there by Saturday. 

I would really like to meet some local people

Hi, I'm from Macedonia, I'm coming in Vilnius as an Erasmus student for the spring semester in february and I would like to meet new people too. You can write me also.

Greetings ^^^

So everyone who would like to acquainted with me write me :)

Hey everyone)))

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