Erasmusu Staff
Napisano 14 lat temu
Welcome to the forum for Vilnius 2010 / 2011!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Vilnius in 2010 / 2011 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Vilnius, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Vilnius
- People who have been, are and will be in Vilnius
- A photo gallery of Vilnius
- Erasmus experiences in Vilnius
- The map and weather in Vilnius
- The Universities in Vilnius
If you're a student who's spent time in Vilnius in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Vilnius by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Vilnius win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Gema Efimera
Napisano 14 lat temu
Alguien va a Vilnius el curso que viene?
Tutku Kasliıoglu
Napisano 14 lat temu
Hi! Could you speak English please? I am going to go to VGTU on October... You?
Alito Navarro
Napisano 14 lat temu
yoo voy en septiembre para vilnius soy de canarias y estudio empresariales
luis percal
Napisano 14 lat temu
yes! i´ll be studing architecture there next year! si! alli nos vemos!
Napisano 14 lat temu
hi! I'm going to study at the Vilnius University nest year, my choice is something philological. See you all then!
Ricardo Vílchez
Napisano 14 lat temu
yeah! I am going on September to VGTU! see u there!
Marija Tamulevičiūtė
Napisano 14 lat temu
Enjoy your time in Vilnius! And prepare for the cold of winter :))
Napisano 14 lat temu
Right, last winter in Poland lasted from November to March, so tell me about it...:)
sara martin
Napisano 14 lat temu
Hi! i will go to mikolas university to study social work on you know something about residens???
alvaro montero
Napisano 14 lat temu
hello I´m going to Viliaus Universitetas faculty of law next year.someone study laws here??? españoles como vais d residencia???
Alito Navarro
Napisano 14 lat temu
un grupo de españoles hemos exo ste grupo en facebook!!! se llama asi vilnius 2010/2011
asi k por ayi hablamos si kieren ya k por aki yo por lo menos no lo uso muxo
Marija Tamulevičiūtė
Napisano 14 lat temu
Mario, are you going to study at IBS? :)
Ricardo Fernandes
Napisano 14 lat temu
Hola, soy portugués y también voy a Vilnius en el mes de junio ... Alguien por favor me dan un poco de ayuda qd llegar?
Me voy con un amigo y vamos a trabajar cada uno en una firma en modo erasmus durante tres meses, que se va en junio y regresar a Portugal en octubre ...
Benjamin Guillet
Napisano 14 lat temu
Yeahh, I'm going to spend the next semester in VGTU (starting from september), hope it's gonna be awesome ! :)
Ricardo Fernandes
Napisano 14 lat temu
yo estoy en Vilnius
Ricardo Fernandes
Napisano 14 lat temu
I'm in Vilnius now... If you need some help, please tell me... bye
Špela Jankovič
Napisano 14 lat temu
Hi! Was there from january 2010 till june 2010. Hope the winter will go easy on you guys this year ;) enjoy your time in Vilnius!!
Ricardo Fernandes
Napisano 14 lat temu
hahahaha... In October i'm back to Portugal Špela, soo the winter here isn't for me :p
Dawid Kieres
Napisano 14 lat temu
Hi, I will be in Vilnius from Febuary 2011. I will study on Pedagogical University. Is here anybody who will be there at the same time?