Erasmus student placement - summer 2012
Wątek stworzony przez agata xxx
— 12 lat temu
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agata xxx
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi everyone,
I will arrive to Vilnius from July to September for Erasmus student placement. Maby somebodywill be alsoin this periodin Vilnius???
Peter Raszewski
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi, I'm 23 years old student from Poland. From September to January I'll be study at Vilnius University. Is anyone will be there in this time?
stefania ver
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi Agata,
I will arrive on June for Erasmus placement.Have you found an accomodation yet?
agata xxx
Napisano 12 lat temu
Nice to know that you all also will be in Vilnius. I thing that I;ll arrive there at about 20-25th of June, so if somebody more will be there let me know.
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