Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus en Utrecht (Holanda)

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Hola, estudio publicidad y relaciones publicas, y quiero irme el cuatrimestre del curso 2013/2014 a Utrecht, pero en la página web, no me aclaro. En mi facultad tampoco he recibido mucha ayuda... igual hay alguien que esté en mi misma situación y nos ayudemos.


do you speak english?

he daan van easykamer. ik had aller eerst de vraag over het antal m2?

Hi! I'm looking for a room in a sharing flat or apartament in Utrecht during the 1st semester (September - January 2015). I'm interested in a furnished and a simple flat. 
I'm currently studying Pre-primary school degree in UCLM, in Toledo and I'm going to study in Hogeschool Utrecht.

If someone is interested please contact with me :)

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