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I want to find a house NOW!

look a flat

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me and my friends are looking for a flat to stay in Stockholm from the 1 june to 31 august. we are 4 girls, students and working from Poland. we are coming to Sweden to work as trainees in Skanska (conservation). We don’t smoke and we’re not problematic ;)

we’re interested in a 2 rooms in a flat or dorm Or flat for 4 girls.



I am searching a room in a flat or family house near Karolinska Institutet (Solna) to stay during 3 months (July, August and September).I am 21 years old and Spanish. I have shared flat with other persons more times. Can you help me?
Regards, Sara

Sorry, my email is sam2716  hotm ail com


Hi, I'm a Spanish girl and I'm looking for a flat. So If you are interested contact with me, THANKS!! :D searchingfl4t hotm ail com

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