Dodaj zdjęcia z Swansea!

Jeżeli masz zdjęcia z Swansea ilustrujące typowe dzielnice miasta, uczelnię, zabytki, krajobrazy, gastronomię, ludzi, imprezy, itd. zamieść je na Erasmusu! Mnóstwo podróżników będzie mogło je zobaczyć.

Komentarze (1 komentarzy)

  • flag-gb Deepak Danny 2 lat temu

    Much loved by the locals and attracting many visitors every year, although officially called Dunraven Bay, it is also often referred to as Southerndown beach taking its name from the nearby village. The Heritage Coast Centre and its team of rangers is located at Dunraven Bay. Dunraven Gardens are situated just up from the beach and are a wonderful place to visit This beach is a great place to fossil hunt and has some of the best rock pools along the coast.

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