Erasmusu Staff
Napisano 9 lat temu
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Istanbul 2016 / 2017!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Istanbul in 2016 / 2017 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Istanbul, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Istanbul
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Istanbul
- The general forum for Istanbul
- The blog Erasmus Istanbul
- What to see in Istanbul, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Istanbul
- People who have been, are and will be in Istanbul
- A photo gallery of Istanbul
- The map and weather in Istanbul
- The universities in Istanbul
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Istanbul or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Istanbul.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Javi Lahuer
Napisano 9 lat temu
Hi, my name is Javier Lahuerta, and i'm from Valencia and i'm studying Politics on Universitat de València.
The next year i'm going to study in Istanbul, in Bahçesehir University (BAU)
I would like to meet more people who is going to go there the next year, to my University or near like Yıldız Technical University or something on the Besiktas neigborhood.
If someone is interested to contact with me only answer the post and we can talk :)
Have a nice Erasmus
Javier :)
Hola, soy Javier Lahuerta, Ciencias Políticas en la Universitat de València y el año que viene estaré 10 meses en Bahçesehir Universiti (BAU para los amigos).
He estado una vez allí y es una ciudad apasionante pese a los conflictos que puedan haber en la actualidad aunque respecto a eso, he estado hablando con gente de mi universidad que está este curso allí y con turcos que conozco que conocí en mi viaje y dicen que no hay peligro y que se vive bastante tranquilo en la ciudad y muy protegido en todo momento, "no he pasado miedo en todo el tiempo que llevo aquí, ni cuando vuelvo de fiesta sola de noche". Y he estado haciendo cuentas (para tranquilizar a mis padres) y la posibilidad de un atententado en el que me vea involucrado en una ciudad tan grande como Estambul es de menos del 0'0005%.
Si alguien tiene interés en contactar que responda a este post y hablamos porque por el momento voy perdido jaja, espero no ser el único.
Un saludo
Javier :)
` Botagoz
Napisano 9 lat temu
Hey everyone!
In case if you are coming to Istanbul and need furniture, there is a new single-bed for 150 TL (50 USD) available.
Munia Muniette
Napisano 9 lat temu
Hi ;)
I'm going to study in Istanbul in the fall semester 2016/2017 ;)
Natalia Załęgowska
Napisano 9 lat temu
Hi guys!
I'm Natalia and I'm going to study on Fatih University in the fall semester. Is there any one who could helpe with the learning agreement on this University? It's not clear for me.
Thanks a lot
Julia Atienza
Napisano 9 lat temu
I'm Julia (spanish) and I will be studying at the Istanbul University on the Spring Semester 2017! :)
Katharina B.
Napisano 9 lat temu
Hi everyone,
I am Katharina and I will be studying at Kadir Has University in fall 2016. I am worried about the current political situation but I hope it is cooling down until fall. Anyone here who is also worried? Many thanks.
Natalia Załęgowska
Napisano 9 lat temu
I have the same problem. I wondering about resignation from the programme :/
Javi Lahuer
Napisano 9 lat temu
I think that the political situation is bad but it's not so bad but the sensationalist and pro Christanist press is making a xenofobic attack to this culture. I know many people from Turkey, living in a different cities and they talk me that they live in calm.
talha Demirci
Napisano 8 lat temu
I am going to study in Istanbul University in the spring semester 2017. Does anyone doing Computer Sciences in Istanbul?
Çağla Lilith
Napisano 8 lat temu
hi, everybody. we are looking roommates in kadıköy. we have hause in kadıköy central. you are walking 3 4 minutes in kadıköy rıhtım. 750 tl and furnished.
Javi Lahuer
Napisano 8 lat temu
I'm studiying political science and i will go to Bahçesehir, near to yidliz.
Do you want to join in a whats-app group from international people who will go to istanbum next year?
Christian Ilarraza
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hello everyone, my name is Christian. I will be studying at Bahcesehir. I was thinking of arriving in Istanbul in late August. For housing I was looking for something in Besiktas, but now I was also thinking about Kadikoy, because of the ferry. If anyone is interested in get a flat together, let me know!
Dilek Zehra
Napisano 8 lat temu
My name is Dilek and I am born and grown in Istanbul. I was in Germany as an erasmus student couple years ago and you can ask me anything about Istanbul or erasmus process. I will also please to meet some of you guys! Welcome!
beste naz
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hello everyone I am Beste. because of my flatmate will go to Erasmus, I have to find an other flatmate for this semester. I live in Ortaköy, it's too close to Baheçeşehir, Galatasaray and Yıldız Teknik University. İf anyone will interest in, connect with me :)
Mustafa Özçete
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hey everyone!
I was staying with one german guy 2 years ago and we had so much fun! For that reason, I am looking for a new roomie to my really central located house. My house is located at 4. levent and 2 mins to the metro station. For more information, please send me a message then i can send u photos and all information!
Sencer Aydemir
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi everyone :)
I am not studying in Istanbul but i will do my Erasmus too (in ıtaly). I know how hard to find answers for spesific questions like politics or economy. If you have a question, ask me without heshitate :)
Miguel L.
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hey guys! I'm Miguel from Madrid, Spain, and I will be spending the next year in Istanbul at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University studying architecture. I was wondering if someone here is going to the same place in order to share information. I am also looking for information about places to live, people to know... If you're in my situation just message me, I would love to talk!
murat hatipoglu
Napisano 8 lat temu
Hi all,
I can provide accommodation in Kadikoy. If you or a friend of yours are interested in, you can check my post. If not interested, I still can answer your questions about Istanbul, schools and transportation etc. I hope you have a nice Erasmus!