Erasmus Sligo 2011 / 2012 (English)
Wątek stworzony przez Erasmusu Staff
— 14 lat temu
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Erasmusu Staff
Napisano 14 lat temu
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Sligo 2011 / 2012!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Sligo in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Sligo, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Sligo
- People who have been, are and will be in Sligo
- A photo gallery of Sligo
- Erasmus experiences in Sligo
- The map and weather in Sligo
- The Universities in Sligo
If you're a student who's spent time in Sligo in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Sligo by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Sligo win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Adrian Cores
Napisano 13 lat temu
Nobody goes to sligo??
Marcos Rodríguez
Napisano 13 lat temu
Of course! some of us are at the spanish forum
belin aurelie
Napisano 13 lat temu
I will go in IT Sligo in september. Everybody will go in Yeats Village ?
Napisano 13 lat temu
Hi Belin!!! I have sent you a private message because I will be in Yeats!!
Amaia Turrillas
Napisano 13 lat temu
Llegue a irlanda hace un mes y estoy trabajando como au pair. Vivo en un pueblo pequeno a 20 min de sligo y aunq no estoy de erasmus me gustaria conocer gente y poder salir de fiesta...algo diferente a cambiar panales para variar jajajaja
si me podeis ayudar os lo agradeceria!!!
giulia barigelli
Napisano 12 lat temu
Nobody goes to Sligo in september 2012? thanksss :)) I looking for someone who want to stay in Yeats village or others college in Sligo, let me know :D
Adrian Cores
Napisano 12 lat temu
Ciao giulia.
At Yeats or gateway apartments you book your place and they put another roomates with u.
Gateway are apartments for 2 people and at yeats for more, between 3 and 6, I´m not sure exactly.
Gateway is just in the campus of the IT Sligo, and yeats is a few more far (not too much) they are at 20min and 25min from the center walking
You also can look for an apartment when u arrive (i found it in 2 days) or a house (normally in cartron) that use to cost around 200€/month. From cartron to the center is 20min and to the university too.
You will be so good there, I miss it :)
giulia barigelli
Napisano 12 lat temu
Thank U so much!!!! I'm a little be scared to go in Sligo for a year alone, but in the same time I'm so happy because It's a great experience!!! could you tell me something about your Erasmus experience??? you suggest me to stay in Yeats or Gateway apartments or in houses? thanks
Adrian Cores
Napisano 12 lat temu
Ok, I was really good in Sligo, I was only first semester and i was so sad to come back home. I would come back if i could. In fact in january i came back 10 days, and one of my roomates is coming back next week to visit our friends there.
I was living in a house in cartron with 3 other erasmus, it was really good. the problem of that houses is that are really cold and humidity and u will spend a lot in heating, but is less expensive than the student acommodations for sure. Be ready because Ireland is expensive...
I was only one time at yeats, but i passed a lot of time in gateway. Is good because u live only with another roomate, so the convivence is more easy. The kitchen and livingroom is big. The rooms, use to be one big and another quite little and the bathroom is nice too. Another advantage is that the university is just at 2min from there. One of the worst things there it was that internet didn´t work so good, and we took internet in the house and worked really fast.
There is another student acommodation, milligan place, that one is just in the center and is good too, but is more expensive i think.
I was really happy in the house, but i have to say that my roomates were so goods.and at cartron there are more houses with erasmus. the bad thing of that is that u are at 20min from the center and from the university.
We did party in our house every week, and normally use to there be parties at gateway, I never went to a party at yeats.
for more information, go on facebook to the erasmus group in sligo u an ask directly to people that is living now at yeats, gateway, milligan or houses
ask ever u want ;)
giulia barigelli
Napisano 12 lat temu
you are very kind !!!! I try to find some groups on FB of erasmus' guys in Sligo but most of them are closed, and members inside don't accept my request. Did you go to study at Sligo IT university? how it is? I will study international marketing there :D
Adrian Cores
Napisano 12 lat temu
I saw u are already at the facebook group, is the best place to take information ;)
The most of erasmus study international market, so you´ll have a lot of friends in your classroom hehe. Don´t worry for go alone. You should arrive the first week of setember when there is no lessons but there are lessons for erasmus so you will meet everyone there and you will not feel alone anymore, believe me, is a good atmosphere between everyone there.
I can´t speak about the university because I was living there but I didn´t study nothing because I changed my erasmus destiny in the first weeks. I´m now in poland, but I stood in Sligo until christmas XDDD I really didn´t want leave it how u can see.
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