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Erasmus Salamanca 2012 / 2013 (English)

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Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Salamanca 2012 / 2013!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Salamanca in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Salamanca, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:

Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Salamanca or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Salamanca.

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

Hey, I'll be studying in Salamanca for the academic year 2012-13 and will also be doing an intensive language course at the uni  this July for 4 weeks. Just wondered if anyone knew the average[ish] rent in the area, so I don't get ripped off! Also, I'm the only person in my entire Uni going, so would be great to meet some  other people who'll be going!

Hi Jennifer-Clare,

I'll probably also be going on an exchange to Salamanca in September, for one semester only. I don't know about the rents but I've heard Salamanca is not very expensive. Since everything will be in Spanish at uni and in daily life I was wondering - do you already speak Spanish or are you just going to do that course in July and that should be enough? Hope to hear from you! 

x Eva

Heyy Eva! I'm learning at the moment, I do about 6 hours a week, which I know isn't much but I need to balance my actual degree as well haha. I'm going to keep learning until I go, do the July course, and go a month before term starts to just focus on Spanish. I'll be doiong language classes alongside my so hopefully that'll be enough. I am a bit worried though! What about you?


I'll be studying in Salamanca in the next semester! I started learning spanish in this month, so I afraid of this situation... But good that i heard you are in the same situation. :)

Unfortunately my english is not the best but I speak german better. What is your specializations?


Uh ohh I'm a bit worried now as well....6h a week isn't much? I've done one beginners course so far and that's it! I'm not sure if I got in yet though so I guess I'm going to do another course or take some private lessons as well if I do get to go, and I'd probably go there a month before too, think we'll learn most when we're actually there! 

Are you also going to be in Salamanca in August/September Judit? I study social sciences with something like a minor in economical studies. Are you both going to USAL or the other one?? 



Hey Judit don't worry your English seems fine :) But any problems and I do speak a tiny bit of German and obviously a small and rubbish amount of Spanish so I'm sure it's no problem!

Yeah I know it isn't much, but I know a girl out there right now who did even less than that and seems to be coping fine. She said the first few months are hard but once you get there and start soaking in the language you're fine. There are some good websites that I do in my spare time.. try busuu.com, or there's a free app called Start Spanish on Android (might have a website or iphone app too, i'm not sure though), and it's soo good for the basics! I'll be doing Psychology and Spanish at The Pontificial uni, when I applied I didn't know there were two haha! Uhoh. But I'll be there from Sept to start the second language course too. When do you find out if you got it?

Hi everyone!!

My Name is Melanie and I applied for Erasmus in Salamanca 2012/2013.

I'm studying Romance languages and literature (Spanish,Italian and Catalan) at the University of Vienna.

I won't do any languge courses as I've already done the C1.3 at Cervantes institute but I'll need to do some subjects of English culture and literature and Dutch language.

So when are you all arriving in Salamanca?



Yes, I'll go in September to the Universidad de Salamanca. I'm studying Psychology! Jennifer, where will you study Psychology? In Salamanca or in Pontificial Uni? I don't understand this.

I like this webside: spanishdict.com

Where will you live? Rent a room or in a college?

At the Pontificial uni, yourself? And I'll rent privately I think, though I have no idea where to begin.. Ooh thanks I'll give that website a go!

Also, romance languages sounds like such a cool course! Jealous

But this University is in Salamanca too? I'll study at the Universidad de Salamanca.

One of my friends is studying in salamaca now, so maybe I can use her flat if she left it. I haven't got any roomate yet...:)

Hey girls, I just read along all the notes u were writing here. Today i get my acceptance for one of the studying places in Salamnca as well for the course 12/13 so I think i will spent a semester there beginnig in september i guess. I am really happy to see that im not the only one which will be there at the time, cuz i really am  a bit worried. Im studying in germany at the moment in Dusseldorf also roman languages. I study Spanish and english. My mother-tounge is spanish because i was born there and then immigrated with my parents to germany when i was very little. I was wondering if u have some information about the uni, the rents of flats or rooms for staying. I really dont even know how to start all this organisation thing so i think it will be very helpfull if we can help each other here!


Really Gratefull to know u all! waiting ur answers a.s.a.p

Hi again! 

So since 1 hour it's official, i got the erasmus acceptance for Salamanca!!

Natalia, I think there is very good information on http://www.facebook.com/esn.salamanca about events and people write if they rent a room and so on.

There are also good informations on the usal homepage (académica)

If you have any more questions about Salamanca you can ask me, I've been there so many times :)

Congrats on the offers! I read the posts on this board for last year, which was really useful. Also, you can check with your uni if people have been in the past to ask? At our uni, if you go abroad, you have to write a short answer sheet on things like housing etc, so people in the year sbelow you can read them. Maybe ask if yours does that too?

Yeah the Pontificial uni is in Salamanca too, it's a private university, where as the regular one is public I think. But I think they're pretty close and similar from each other from what I can see :)

I've always wanted to go to Dusseldrof! Jealous!

Or Dusseldorf* oopsie!

Hi again,I created a facebook group: It's   ERASMUS SALAMANCA 2012/13 

Oh wow it came up straight away when I searched for it, I'll ask to join now :)

I just thought that not everyone has erasmusu and that there were people on facebook in the normal ESN SALAMANCA group but there it's just about 2011/12 so that's how it comes..

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