Napisano 13 lat temu
Welcome to Rome 2012-2013!
Use this wall to be in contact with your friends and meet new people coming to this city at the same time than you. You'll be able to meet, comment activities, parties and any happening in the city. If you miss some of your friends here, invite them to join the group... the more we are, the better info we all get!
Erasmus Roma
Napisano 12 lat temu
If you have decided to make a wonderful Erasmus-experience in Rome in the next season (2012 - 2013), the SPQE-staff will be happy to help you with Roman daily life and to entertain you with our parties and with all fun of our SPQE team. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si habéis decidido emprender esta espléndida experiencia Erasmus en Roma, en la próxima estación (2012-2013), nosotros del equipo de SPQE estamos encantados de ayudaros a introduciros en la vida cotidiana de la ciudad y de haceros divertir con nuestras fiestas y con toda la alegría deel equipo SPQE. Click on the following links for all info:,,,!/erasmus_roma
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hola queridos.
Soy Minic! how are you! Espero que estés bien y en perfecto estado de health. I pasó por tu perfil hoy y me lo leyó y se interesó en ella, si no te importa me gustaría que me escriba en este ID: ( ) espero oír de usted pronto, voy a estar esperando tu carta porque tengo algo muy importante que decirte.
Con mucho amor
Hello dear.
I am Minic! how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health. I went through your profile today and i read it and took interest in it, if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this ID:() hope to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your letter because i have something VERY important to tell you.
Lots of love
(miniclovex at yahoo dot com)
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