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Going Out&About in Rome

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Dear Erasmusu,

my name is Mauro Germinario, I am 28 years old and I was born and raised up in Rome. So, I am a real roman guy.
Since I was 16, I organise parties of House, electro, deep and techno music.
Last winter I had the chance to work in Brussels as a trainee thanks to the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo. During my stay overthere, I realized how easy was going out in the night, even if I didn't have a motorbike or a car.
When I was back here in Rome, I noticed the a big difference. Here in Rome could be very difficult to attend good parties for several issues like the public transports, the lack of information, a society very stratified.
For this reason I am starting to upload, here on Erasmusu social network, some places where to go to have fun. I hope you will enjoy them!



p.s. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further info.

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