Erasmusu Staff
Napisano 13 lat temu
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Leiden 2012 / 2013!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Leiden in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Leiden, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Leiden
- The accommodation in Leiden
- The blog Erasmus Leiden
- What to see in Leiden, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Leiden
- People who have been, are and will be in Leiden
- A photo gallery of Leiden
- The map and weather in Leiden
- The universities in Leiden
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Leiden or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Leiden.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Louise B
Napisano 13 lat temu
Hey :)
I'm Louise from Sydney. I'll be studying in Leiden in September (2012) Anyway.. just thought i would say hi and see if anyone else on here would be there then :)
Federico Cupola
Napisano 13 lat temu
Hello guys,
I'm Federico (22) and I'm italian.. I'm also studyin in Leiden on Sept 2012.. I'd like to know some info, overall about housing and life's cost. I just can't wait to go to Leiden!
I wanted just to introduce myself.. So I hope to meet you somewhere in Leiden!
Bye and see you soon!
Paula Carretero
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi guys,
I'm Paula (21). I have apply fot a Master in Leiden University on Sept 2012. Is mostly sure I'll be there in September too.
Do you know something about how to find residences and which is the best one?
What do you study? I have done a degree in Art History and in Leiden I'll be doing a Master caller "Arts and Culture". What about you?
Federico: io ho fatto l' erasmus a Roma, tu di dove sei??! :)
See you soon!
Federico Cupola
Napisano 12 lat temu
Ciao Paula,
io sono di Napoli e studio inglese e spagnolo alla Federico II.. Tu invece di dove sei? Come ti sei trovata a Roma?
Hasta pronto!
Paula Carretero
Napisano 12 lat temu
Ciao Federico!
Io sono di Barcellona ma questo hanno ho fatto un Erasmus a Roma, studiando Storia dell' Arte a la Sapienza, da settembre 2011 a febraio 2012. È stato fantastico! Se ci vediamo a Leiden vedrai come studiare a l'estero è une delle cose piu belle che si può fare!
Io mi sono laureta a febbraio ma adesso voglio fare un Master a Leiden. Non è ancora sicuro perche sto aspettando che mi dicono se mi acettano o no... Asperiamo di si! E debo fare anche l'esame d'inglese... Sarebbe bello incontraci lì, così possiamo fare intercambio italiano-spagnolo!
Sai gia come fare per trovare casa/residenza? Io ho cheisto a l'università di aiutarmi, ma non mi hanno detto ancora niente.
Ci sentiamo!
Louise B
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi Paula :)
I'll be studying at Leiden too, doing an exchange with my university (sydney) .. I'll most likely be doing Psychology and Anthropology subjects.
I have no idea which housing is the best.. i've been contemplating which ones to put as my preferences...
Kaarsenmakersstraat and Herengracht look nice.
Ugne Kleinauskaite
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi, I'm Ugnė and I'm gonna be in Leiden for first semester next year doing Art History :)
And I am also confused about all the accommodations possible. Any suggestions?
Federico Cupola
Napisano 12 lat temu
Labas Ugne,
I'm also looking for the accomodation. I suggest you (if you have facebook) the group "LEIDEN HOUSING". A lot of guys share their offers and you can choose. :)
I also found another website, called, and you need to register.
Hope to be helpful! Iki!
Paula Carretero
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi guys! I hace look for accomodation througth the site of Leiden university and I have applied for a room in a residence called "Hugo de groostraat".
This is the link:
It has rooms and also "appartments" with bathroom and kitchen included!
Anyone else is thinking to go to a residence? Or are you looking for flats to sahre?
UGNE: Welcome! I study Art History too! :)
Louise B
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi Paula, I have applied for a room through that website too :)
I also applied for "Hugo de groostraat" - alongside "Kaarsenmakersstraat" and "Herengracht". So I might end up living in the same residence as you! :)
When are you guys arriving in Leiden?
Shao Wei
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi, I'm Shao Wei, just Shao for my friends!
I'm going to Leiden for first semester :)
I'm still looking for an accomodation, but I don't have lot of luck...
Anyway, nice to meet you :)
Aleix Font
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi people!
I'm Aleix Font, from Barcelona and I will be al Leiden during the second semester. I would like to rent a flat with other people if it's posible. Anyone interested can write me or just put on contact with me via Facebook.
I've been also as you girls watching residences videos and it seems a nice place to stay.
best regards
Fabiana Di
Napisano 12 lat temu
Hi guys!
I'm Fabiana, from Italy. I'm gonna study chinese at Leiden university. I'm going to stay there from september to february!
Bye :D
Federico Cupola
Napisano 12 lat temu
Ciao Fabiana,
per caso studi all'Orientale a Napoli? Io sto alla Federico II. Magari qualche giorno ci stai per un caffè? Ti vorrei chiedere delle cose.
Casomai aggiungimi su facebook.
Buona giornata e grazie mille
ciao! :D