Cmon guys I`m quite sure that u don`t have lots of friends in Bonn, so lets get in touch!
Wątek stworzony przez ivailo jotoff
— 14 lat temu
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ivailo jotoff
Napisano 14 lat temu
If you gonna write in German make simple sentences bitte(((:.
Carmen Vinader
Napisano 14 lat temu
Hi! I'm going to go to Bonn next year, but not as Erasmus Student. I got a grant and I'm going to work as spanish conversation assistant in a School in Hennef. Hennef is not far from Bonn and I'm trying to find a flat in the city (but is not so easy!)
where are you going to live?
ivailo jotoff
Napisano 14 lat temu
hi! well as a student i have an arranged place from the university at the studentenwerk. U can`t get a place there unless ur a student :/ . You could try the forums anyways its the forum of rheinbach campus but the most flats are in bonn. If there`s anything else i could do for u: facebook "Ivailo Jotoff". good luck (:
Silvia Gg
Napisano 13 lat temu
I´m living in Bad Godesberg. It´s a quiet part of Bonn.
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