Dodaj zdjęcia z Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology!

Jeżeli masz zdjęcia z Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology ilustrujące typowe dzielnice miasta, uczelnię, zabytki, krajobrazy, gastronomię, ludzi, imprezy, itd. zamieść je na Erasmusu! Mnóstwo podróżników będzie mogło je zobaczyć.

Komentarze (1 komentarzy)

  • flag-jp Hussain Nellikkal 6 lat temu

    This is a work I liked very much. Bought it and brought it home. Because it was a purchase without an intermediary .. and maybe because they considered me as theirs, they took very little as its cost. .. a couple of mural works, a few embroidery works, were all gifted to me. very kind of them.

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