Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Zagreb 2015/2016

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Hi! I'm a Portuguese student who is looking for a room in a place near Faculty of Economics and Business- Zagreb, for the 2nd/summer semester of 2015/2016. You can count on a nice and sociable girl! If anyone is looking for the same thing or knows something please feel free to contact me.

Hi, Malfalda!

I´m Carla, from Brazil, and I´m moving to Zagreb too. I´m going to take classes at ZSEM and I´m looking for an apartment close to the university.

My classes begin on september and lasts till january. 

Maybe we could share an apartment. I live with 2 more friends here in Brazil and I´m used to this way of living, so you can count on an easygoing and nice girl.


Hi Carla!

I would like to share an apartment but i'm going in the summer semester! Just in February! :(

Thank you anyway!

Oh, my bad. 

thanks anyway!

Hello! I'm from Spain, and i'm studing law. I'm going to go to Zagreb in the second semester, so i need flatmates to live in the city (near the faculty ). If anyone is interested please, contact with me.

( I prefer people from diferent countries, not from mine, because i need to practise english :)

Hi Lorena! I'm interested! I'm going in The second semester too to The Faculty of economics and business! 

Hi, Mafalda!

I am also going in second semester, but at ZSEM. I am interesting in sharing room. So let me know if you get any news about accomodation! :)


Hi Klavdija!

Is not impossible to share! If we choose a flat between our faculties! :)


Hi girls, 

 I am interesting too ! I'll study to the faculty of politic science!  I go to Zagreb for the summer semester and I look for roomates too :D 

Hi Mafalda, Yelena, Klavdija, Carla and Lorena!

I am also looking for a room in a shared flat at the beginning of the upcoming summer semester. I am studying at the faculty of education, but I'm always riding my bike, so it really wouldn't matter to me, where I live. When are you girls planning on going to Zagreb to start looking for a flat?


Resultaat 1-10 van 10 inschrijvingen


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